I have a universal air suspension kit for my 1961 Lincoln continental. Can someone recommend area shops that would do a quality job installing it?
I love Lux, but I gotta say DB Rodz & Minis. Jon did one of those cars last year that was over the top. 512-809-1854 Sorry Lux!
id say lux also. hes always seemed to be a cool mother fucker and gone out of his way to help anyone in need.
Well, called Austin Speed Shop, Crushproof, AND DB rodz, and none have called me back all day after I left them all messages...
Lux gets pretty busy in that shop, so be patient. I left him a message early today and haven't heard back yet. That's par for the course for a busy rod shop, unless they hire a person to just sit there and answer phones all day. I'll have to give my vote to Lux also, or the Austin Speed Shop. (if they can get you in).
LOL, a couple of days after the Roundup I bet they're all still pooped. And I don't answer the phone a lot of the times in the shop, can't hear it, but I usually remember to check my messages before I leave and return calls, or first thing in the morning. Don't think anyone is dissing you. Most rod shops are guys working, we don't have anyone to answer phones.
Shops where the owner also is elbow deep in the actual work take time to get back to you. It's not that they dont want the work, its often the feeling of "why are there ONLY 24 hours in a day?".
Dont take my post the wrong way guys. Everyone wants their projects done first right? Oddly enough, Jon @ DB Rodz called me not more than a few minutes after that post, and I'm going to schedule with him.
Ryan Did DB Rodz and Miniz complete your bag set up on your 61? I have a 63 and looking to bag it. Can you email me at nuyen.don@gmail.com so i can ask a few questions? Thanks Don
I talked to don today. it has been just damn busy around these parts lately. and uhhh, Yeah. I am pretty sure I can handle whatever ANYONE throws at me as far as bags are concerned. "universal kit" my ass.....
it would seem that every aspect of my life has this warning on it somewhere... *some assembly/and or lots of assembly,welding and blood required.
Stopped by the shop and spoke with Lux and Kurt today at Crushproof. I always heard those guys were cool, and they really are some COOL MFer's. I am bringing my car in this week for them to take a look and make reccommendations on what to use. Lux even took the time to show me around the shop. Some stand up guys in my book Don
bug me to take some pics, as i recently finished air bagging my '62 Continental. This was not an easy job, but was pretty fun.... - The front is pretty straight forward.. build some cups, cut the center upper shock mount off and build an out of cup new shock mount. the car lays low (not frame) if you don't cut control arm stop clearance. - The rear is challenging. Simple answer would be to cheese out and remove leaf springs and then bag over leaf. Instead, I four linked the rear-- which was a challenge because the car is unibody. I had to box the frame with plate and do some cutting for the triangulated four links. air bagged over rear end w/ upper bag mounts off the boxed unibody, and ran a cross upper run for further support / rear shock mounts. Good luck. This isn't the easiest project to do right, but the results are great. -scott noteboom