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sbc 400 ci Missing Ingredient ??

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by bje31, Jun 23, 2009.

  1. bje31
    Joined: Feb 13, 2007
    Posts: 320

    from Western PA

    What do I need? I'm doing a street driven 400 sbc, bored .030 over.
    It has flattop pistons, stock heads, 1.92's, with a decent valve job. Edelbrock Performer intake and a 650 cfm carb. Muncie 4sp, wide ratio, and 3:50 rear. Car will weigh 2700-3000 lbs. Now what is the missing ingredient? The camshaft....Suggestions please.
  2. carcrazyjohn
    Joined: Apr 16, 2008
    Posts: 4,841

    from trevose pa

    You can go from mild to wild with that configuration. My 406 had A501 cam in it. I dont actually know the part number.That is the most radicall you can go with stock heads and springs.The guy who I sold the motor to. Was very pleased. 1st week he had it on the road. He took it to Atco and pulled off a high 12 With a carb that was too small. The 750 had issues .Heavy car
  3. cb1
    Joined: May 31, 2007
    Posts: 462

    from Wisconsin

    Might need a bigger carb. Remmember, the Rochester 4 barrel that came on the stock motor was rated a 750. That and your weight of the car is light enough get away with a bigger carb.

    My 406 has a 555/555 Lunati solid roller cam. But thats a whole different deal. $$$. I am using a Mighty Demon 750.
  4. landseaandair
    Joined: Feb 23, 2009
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    from phoenix

    What is your compression? A 400 with flat tops can get up there and it could be a big factor in your cam choice. I'm assuming you have around 76cc chambers and your compression is roughly 10.2:1, which is a no go for pump gas with a mild grind. You can bleed some of that off with the right cam, just Google dynamic compression ratio. By the way KB pistons has a good calculator for this but you will need to know your intake valve closing point. The max DCR for iron heads is about 8.5:1. If I were to recommend a cam, assuming my guess at your CR is accurate, it would be Comp Cams Magnum 280, p.n. 12-212-2 or Isky 280 Mega, p.n. 201281. At 480&485 lift, either one should be o.k. for stock springs.
  5. There are lots of 500 HP 406 builds in Super Chevy, Hot Rod, etc. I would read up and pick a proven camshaft. I would also invest in some good heads if you want it to be strong.
  6. oj
    Joined: Jul 27, 2008
    Posts: 6,540


    Looks like we are all on the same page. I'd go with the 286H cam, it is offered by many people 480/480; 230/230 (@.050) and use the Z28 drop in spring. My favorite combo is that cam, edelbrock airgap rpm intake with a proform 650 double pumper with electric choke, msd ignition. Do not short yourself on an ignition system. Cam, carb, ignition - air, fuel, spark; pretty simple isn't it.
  7. scottybaccus
    Joined: Mar 13, 2006
    Posts: 4,109


    download a copy of Comp Cams CamQuest software. Key in all the specs you can and it will give you several to choose from. Don't expect mega power with that carb and intake, heads.
  8. brandon
    Joined: Jul 19, 2002
    Posts: 6,369


    a pair of vortec heads and a 280 magnum cam.....that cam would have to be fairly tame in a 406.....a friend used to run a 292 magnum in his 406 back in the early nineties....3700 pound 69 chevelle went 12.80s on the street..... brandon:D
  9. uglydog56
    Joined: Apr 8, 2008
    Posts: 331


    With the stock heads you don't want a wild cam. 280 Comp would be the biggest I would run. Anything more radical would be wasted.
  10. man-a-fre
    Joined: Apr 13, 2005
    Posts: 1,311


    Tight lash solid flat tappet speedway cam pn 915-15000 .250 dur@.o50 .500 lift 104 seperation with direct lube lifters and howards springs from competition products 98213 or 98215..................................
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2009
  11. rainman1958
    Joined: May 29, 2007
    Posts: 90


    There is another missing ingredient what do you want to do with it, want it drivable, sound good, or run like hell? all the suggestions so far are good but if you have any vaccum accessories they may suffer if you do with a lot of duration and or lift. Manufacturers will tell you you can go about 500 lift with stock springs but I wouldn't go over 490's. Of the suggestions you've gotten so far I like OJ's.
  12. bje31
    Joined: Feb 13, 2007
    Posts: 320

    from Western PA

    Thanks for the advice and suggestions. Spoke with a cam rep today and his advice is to consider the old 327-350 hp Chev cam Why? Very streetable, no clearance problems and has a decent idle sound. This thing might be a tire-melter considering the torque of the 406 and the specs on the recommended cam. Also will be looking for the 750 cfm carb. Probably a rebuilt Holley 3310.
  13. cabriolethiboy
    Joined: Jun 16, 2002
    Posts: 891


    Here is the one I run. Strong idle, small lope. LOTS of torque.

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    </TD></TR><TR><TD class=mainContent width=650>CL12-243-3 - Comp Cams 'Xtreme 4x4' Hydraulic Flat Tappet Camshafts

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    Big Torque Cams!
    Four wheel drive engines have special needs and requirements that most street performance camshafts just can't properly statisfy. Xtreme 4x4 cams produce tremendous off-idle torque and throttle response as well as big torque throughout the entire operating range without sacrificing necessary vacuum. We do not recommend the use of stock valve train components with these camshafts due to the aggressive lobe designs. Camshaft & Lifter Kits are indicated by a CL in their part number and include Camshaft and Lifters. Complete Kits are indicated by a K in their part number and include Camshaft, Lifters, Timing Chain & Gears, Valve Springs, Spring Retainers, Spring Locks and Valve Springs.

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  14. What kind of car will you be putting this in?

  15. Hot Rod To Hell
    Joined: Aug 19, 2003
    Posts: 3,036

    Hot Rod To Hell
    from Flint MI

    I would find a new cam rep... why in the world would you run a 40+yr old cam profile??? Camshaft technology has improved by leaps and bounds since then... Plus, a "hot" cam from a 327 would be pretty mild in a 400.

    I really like the Lunati "Voodoo" line personally.
  16. I second the 350hp/327 cam and also the 750, or maybe a pair of 600's (trips might be nice, too)! Also, a bit of bowl work and minor port clean-up on those heads will make them flow a little better than stock Vortec's, refer to Feb. '99 issue of Car Craft, "Is Head Porting Really Worth It?" And,,,, normally I am a big proponent of solid lifter cams, but in the case of a small block 400 the stroke is so long and the rods are so short I don't think it would hold up.
  17. Uhhh,,,, I guess maybe the old "If it ain't broke" rule might apply? Another thing, stock heads don't like a lot of lift, and; the old cams were designed to last, they got great performance and could go a hunnerd thousand miles. The 350 horse cam was pretty hot in the smaller motors but would be just right in a 400, still sound good but make good vacumn.

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