(Maybe the following is way O/T, I don´t know. Sorry if it is.) Well, I just went through the classifieds in a small local newspaper and saw this 38 Ford Popular for sale. It reads: " For Sale: Ford Popular 1938, w/o title, dissassembled, incomplete, rare" Now,I really don´t know anything about them. The seller´s asking 1600 Euros(about US$2000) for it, obo. The Pop has been for sale for a couple of weeks now, so I guess the Populars are not that popular around here . Maybe it´ll go for a bit less than 1600. I ´ve tried to find out and call him but I couldn´t reach him. So all I know about he car is what the classified says. I´ve never seen one in real life so what does it take to make an old Popular scoot? Rather yeah or no? Please school me.Thanks for any input! Chris
The Popular name wasn't used until 1953 - here's a handy chart http://www.smallfordspares.co.uk/categories.phtml and some illustrations:- http://www.smallfordspares.co.uk/models.phtml?Category=Passenger%20Side%20Valve Scoot? Gasser, y'know it makes sense!
I guess that is probably a Ford Y. They look like a scaled down '34 Ford 2dr sedan. I think the Ford Pop that was sold in the US as the Anglia was later than '38, but I could be wrong...
Today I made it to catch the seller on the phone. The funny thing about the car is, it´s been sitting in a barn only about a 1/4 mile away for about 30 years....The seller wants to get rid of it, so he´s asking 600 Euros(about 720 $)instead of 1600 Euros as the classified said, but it´ll go for less since I´m the only one who answered. While I was in the barn looking at the pop I thought it would be cool to drop a healthy 283 in it ,channel it a bit and run it fenderless, just as a low buck racer, and drive the hell out of it. A dropped I-beam would be nice too... It´s good to have dreams Here are some pics, the body seems as good as rust free. Maybe that would be a good frame for that midget
Better grab that one. Here in the states they were very popular (pun intended) as gassers and had everything from 4 bangers to Chrysler Hemi's stuffed in them. As you know they are quite small but that's part of their charm. If you get it I'll store if for you if I get first chance to buy when you let it go. Frank
Baumi;they actually started making them in 34,here's a n excerpt from a book i've got called"from Ford eight to 105E"by Michael Allen,by Motor Racing Publications in Croyton,England. Hope you can make it clear enough to read!it shows the 37 and 38 models.
Definately not a 38.In 38 they were model 8`s...same as a Pop/Anglia but different,...the 8 had no trunk and an open type grill(unlike the pops two slot grill and the anglia 3 slot with the add on trunk section) Populars by name popular by nature...there are 5 rodded Pops in this area alone.
Thank you all for all that good info! I´ll save a cold one for you when ever we ´re gonna happen to meet. Looking at the frame yesterday I can´t imagine it could handle a 200 Hp 283... The stock four banger is said to have around 10 horses. Perhaps a modified model A frame or a homebuilt tube frame might help. Someone mentioned before the Pops were used as Gassers and Racecars. What kind of frame did the use back then? Just boxed the stock one?
You can find loads of information here.... http://www.nsra.org.uk/forum/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=36 The UK NSRA site has a message board dedicated to Ford Pops. I'm sure you'll find all the info you need there.
As well as the UK NSRA website (which I moderate) another good source where you can get anything you need for the Pop from http://www.popbrowns.co.uk/ including chassis boxing kits to strengthen the standard frame to handle the 283. I own a Fordson (5cwt Thames Panel) version of the same vehicle so I'm biassed but --- pops can look really cool without spending too much dosh. Here's a couple of UK Pops to demonstrate this point:--
It belonged to Ian Halforty from Glasgow (area). I think it was built by Shug. I took the pic at Billing quite a few years ago.
Wow! Those are some nice looking pops! Do you have an idea what they used as a front and rear axle? I´ve seen in the forums posted above that some of the pops are running Alfa fourbangers and it seems to be a real snug fit. How could one make it to fit a 283 sbc /powerglide in there?
I think both of those have vauxhall viva front suspensions (because they both appear to have 14" morris minor rims on the front). The 283 will fit okay - there's a Fordson in the UK with a 502 in it belongs to a HAMBer called 'Gasser':-
That Pop looks in a pretty good state, especially at that sort of money or less. Lots of pop info on my site, plus some Pop drag car pics too. I get the impression the very early gassers had little more than the V8 and axle shoehorned in. Better chassis and suspension came later. Mart