I have an original 1936 Ford truck title. it does not have a VIN # listed on the title. My question is, when I call the insurance company to get insurance, which number on the title do I give them? Which # on the title will the BMV use as the "VIN" number...??? Any info you guys could provide would be great...
The engine number should be stamped on the frame and the transmission. That number does look like it is in the range for a '36. http://www.vanpeltsales.com/FH_web/flathead_serialnumbers.htm
Normally they use the engine number if there is no serial number. But I am not totally certain for your state. But most likely it will be the engine number. That is the norm for most states I have heard about.
engine number was the serial number, if they don't like that stamp that number on the frame, instant serial number
Now ya got to wonder how many guys grabbed that # and ran to the dmv! don't think i would post a complete # for something i owned and wanted to register.
I am dealing with a titling problem myself. They will use the engine number most times. I am with Rodhotz though on the posting of the numbers. You better be first in line tommorrow if it is open. Probably not gonna be a problem but better safe than sorry.
My brother n law bought a 29 bone and was selling the frame and some guy came to look at it and snaged the #'s with out him knowing, we went to regester a few years later and seems the ol' boy had taken the #'s! little did he know we had the title, but it was off the computer, and he got himself in a tad bit of trouble over it. had some slimeball come look at a freightliner i was selling a few years back and wanted the vin to give the "Bank" for a loan, and about 3 weeks later i get lein sale papers in the mail! wtf i think back and remember that putz and contact the person doing the lein and get the guys name (he was stupid enough to use his real name) and had a sheriff buddy pay the boy a visit and found out he had done this quite few times in the past. so now nobody sees the #'s till i have cold hard cash in my hand!
I have heard that heppening more then one time. That why when I buy a project I get it put in me name right away. That way i have a legal document in my hand. A couple of years ago I was selling my 40 ford pickup on Ebay and some guy wanted the serial No. I gave it to him and he tried to register it in another state. The problem was it was a Pa. Special vehicle Number and his state wanted to see the vehicle. In the process that state call me asking if I sold the vehicle to him. Not sure what happen after that but I bet it was not good for him.
The previous owner of my 48 Chev Pickup (in Texas) had gone to the trouble to have "engine Change" put on the title because he had swapped in a 194 Six banger. The serial number is still on the plate on the door post but that resolved any issues about the engine # when I moved back to WA and had to have the truck inspected to get a Wa title. I'd be checking the frame and transmission if it is still around for the number that matches the title. +1 on what Hot40Rod said on transferring titles as soon as you get one with a project. In this state you can go TPO = title purpose only and don't get plates or pay the registration fees at the time but you do get a clear title in your name.
The frame on my 36 truck has stamped numbers preceded with a star one close to the steering box mount and the other on the passenger side rear rail on the forward part of the curve both are on the top side of the frame. Got any rear fenders you want to unload?
On a 36 ford truck the serial number is stamped on the frame between the firewall and the steering box on the drivers side - there is a star before and after the serial number - they should all start with 18-xxxxxx. It is also stamped on the transmission top, but this cannot be seen without removing the shifter plate and using a mirror. The other place is on the rear rail in the curve just before the rear axle (near where the bolts are). I am having title troubles of my own in Illinois since I have the VIN (from the places mentioned), but no title (it was pulled out of a field). The Illinois Sectretary of State Police (yep, they have those here) wont give me a title without my putting up a bond they get to keep for 3 years. Every state is different, and it depends on the person you are dealing with at the DMV and secretary of state.
They were talking the bond thing here, so i high tailed it down and got title only on all my junk just in case!