Hi gang, New guy here, just picked up a 55 Ford Victoria 272/Auto and am looking to replace the drive train. What other engines are an easy drop in besides the Ford FE engines? Any links on kits that are available for a swap? I can find 302 mustangs (fox bodies) all day long around me for cheap if a 302 will fit. Any help is appreciated.
Try Brockman mellowtone. I'm pretty sure he sells kits to install 302. 302 is really easy swap. I've helped friends install them in 41 fords, 50 fords and 53 fords. You will need to use a dual sump oil pan. Fordomatic trans is about same length as a c4 so that is easy to put in too. Hope this helps Matt
We shoved a 312 in our Vick but today that would be a pricey option. 302 is a viable option. You'll probably have to get a truck oil pan of something like it.
Yo, I have a '55 Ford Crown Vic with an '88 injected 302 ci Ford and an automatic overdrive, with a Ford eight inch rear. It also has Granada disc brakes and GM power steering. All fits like it belongs. Da Flash
This is good to know I was thinking of this kind of deal for my <<< wagon at the very least the disc brake swap. is it really as simple as I have heard? Thanks
The 272 has a front sump pan, so any 302 pan will work. The sidemount crossmember is already there, so all you have to do is adapt 302 motor mounts to that saddle. Usaually truck mounts, with the bolt coming from the bottom work best. The trick is finding the ones with the correct thickness to mount the engine level. Actually, any ford engine, including 351W, 351M, 400, 429, and 460 can be used with the stock '55 saddle and a little hot rod engineering. Good luck with your 5-Spot project...they're beautiful cars.
Da Flash, Could you explain how you did the GM power steering. I am really interestd in that for a friend of mine. Thank You in advance. HOOP
Thanks for the quick responses guys. Flash, did you have to use any kind of conversion kit to mount the 302 and AOD in the Vic or was it a straight bolt in job? So I can use the Y-Block mounts but need a truck saddle mount for it to bolt in? And thanks, I have been in love with the 55's for a long time and now finally get to build my own.
Nope, the saddle is part of your chassis, courtesy of Ford. The original Y-block bolts to this saddle via rubber insulated motor mounts that bolt to the block, and to the saddle. We used Ford truck mounts to do the sbf to '54-'56 Fords and Mercs, but it has been a while and I cannot remember what year they were. Some Ford truck mounts (bolt to the block) mount the engine too low in the chassis. Anyhow, these mounts are common parts house items. You can also make adapters to use srandard sbf motor mounts that use horizontal bolts at the frame. If you can't figure this out, PM me and I will detail how I installed the 302 in my '59 Ford for you. For a simple trans mount, you can weld or bolt a piece of flat steel plate to the exsisting trans crossmember and drill holes in the plate for your new trans mount to bolt up. If you want to go to a better steering box, the '60-'64 Ford big car box is almost a bolt in. two of your chassis holes line up, and the third must br drilled. The stock '55 pitman arm can be used on the later steering box by having the line-up tooth machined from the splines. This allows you to place the '55 pitman in any location on the later box. Takes a little experimenting to get the proper location, but it is not difficult to accomplish. You must also change to a later steering column if you use this type steering box, because it has a rag joint between the box and the column. Your '55 is a solid shaft with no provision for the joint. This modification really helps when changing from standard to auto trans in these cars, because the shift quadrant and lever for trans linkage are included with the later column.
Hello, I just bought a new front sump pan for this swap. It came from Oreillys in one days time. Also used 87 lincoln mk7-302 motor mounts because they are thick and raise the engine up nicely to clear the steering box better. Those were on the shelf! Hope this helps you in our efforts.regards,phred.