I needed a trunk latch for my 1934 Ford 5-W Coupe. I mounted a 2008 Honda CRV latch and solenoid to the trunk lid. The solenoid will be moved inside the lid later. I used a reproduction hood spring from a late '60's Camaro. It was disassembled and a hole was drilled in the trunk floor. The spring assembly base was cut and the bolt was inserted in the hole. The base was mounted under the deck. A simple catch was made from a hardware store u-bolt. The latch works well and the spring pops the trunk.
Lets see some pics of the whole car!! BTW, I recognize the shoulder patch from my days at Ft Rucker, late 60s, early 70s. I'm a retired dual rated Master Avaitor, 26 years of stick time for the Army/Army Guard..
You just solved a problem for me. I want to shave the deck lid on my '55 Ford and rig up a solenoid and remote release, looks like your solution should do the trick.
Picture included. It is also in Rod and Custom (Sept 2009, pg. 47) at the Lone Star Round-Up. Included picture of the coupe and my '33 Ford P/U too. Army Aviator, 114th AHC, Vinh Long RVN, 1971 and retired colonel (Army and National Guard).
Thank you! I've been opening my trunk with a screwdriver for 2 years now as I didn't want to fork over the cash for a real "replacement" part. This is awesome!