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HAMB Improvements... I NEED HELP!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Ryan, Oct 10, 2004.

  1. Ryan,

    Here's just a couple suggestions I can add that seem to work well on my board. One's that have been already mentioned by others in one form or another.

    I don't like to see a board all split up into different categories bacause I think it splits the community up too much, so I have everything lumped into one main forum much like you have here... with a couple exeptions that I think help looking up folk's projects, etc...

    I have a section titled... " Members Intros and Project Updates "
    In this section, members are able to keep their own journal of sorts of their progress, and others can just easily look it up to check the latest project updates and read that member's intro anytime they want to.
    No replies from other members allowed, to keep it from getting cluttered. Just a thread specifically for a single member to post what they want about themselves and their projects. Works great.

    Secondly... an ongoing and updated " List of Upcoming Events " with a Calendar for showing the goings on.

    As far as the O/T shit... I didn't see the need for an entire section devoted to it. In the main forum, I have a floating single thread simply titled "SH*T". It's about 60 something pages long, and it's where everyone posts their off-the-wall O/T stuff. Aside from a few instances of my moderators or myself having to merge a few straying O/T posts into that one... the members are pretty good about keeping the O/T crap in there. Keeps clutter down.

    Lastly... an updated list of " Members Rides " on the main page along with a smaller section off of that one that I put the " Latest Updates " on... so folks don't have to scroll through pages of pictures to find the latest progress shots of the member's rides.

    Bottom line though... is that also have 4 moderators to help me with this. The HAMB is WAY larger than my place. I don't know how you can do it with only Grimlock and yourself keeping everything in line.

    The actual member participation in helping make all this work out, is a BIG part of it too. I'm pretty lucky in that aspect and makes my job a lot easier.

    I've like the way it's been working the last few years I've been here... but just a couple suggestions that have worked for me since you asked.

    Keep up the good work. You've done a killer job with how much the HAMB has grown.


  2. Flat Ernie
    Joined: Jun 5, 2002
    Posts: 8,406

    Flat Ernie
    Tech Editor

    I've seen at least 3 people ask for a way to flag bad posts - it already exists. Look at the bottom of the post labeled "Post Extras" - it's the 3rd icon, "Notify Moderator" & looks like a circle w/slash through it.

    Now, having said that, I don't know what happens when you hit that button!


    EDIT - I just hit the button on this post & it asked me if I was sure if I wanted to notify the moderator(s). If this post disappears, we'll know they saw it & deleted it! [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Joined: Nov 6, 2002
    Posts: 3,410


    [ QUOTE ]
    1) if you dont own, have built, or are building a hotrod, delete yourself from the members list and never post here again.
    2) if you dont own, have built, or are building a custom, delete yourself from the members list and never post here again.
    5,000 of the nearly 6,000 posters here need to be axed and return to lurker status. I'm glad you all like hotrods but go away.
    take your bugs, falcons, brand X, and B list crap and blow them out of your ass.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    When Ryan takes the little pic of the FALCON in the upper left hand corner of the HAMB and BLOWS IT OUT HIS ASS....
    Then I'll take my Fairlane and blow it out my ass.

    'till then, I'll be right here doing crazy ass things to a 1963 FORD FAIRLANE.
    (BTW Ryan, please don't ever get rid of that little pic now....)

    I like the way the place runs. I think people like to wax nostalgic about the "old days" and say things like "boy, things sure aren't like they used to be"....

    Well, I've been here for 2 years and things are exactly the same now as they used to be. I love the HAMB. As was said earlier, I think people are generally full of shit and love to generate their own drama. I like to get in the fray and sling some shit, but afterwards, I laugh it off. Most of you out there are just like me and don't know your asshole from your elbow. I've gotten some good advice, some bad advice, and some shit that just doesn't make any sense at all from this place.

    ITS ALL GOOD. You just keep going and shrug it off. Jeezus, who the hell out there is taking any of this that seriously? You really need a reality check.

    Ryan, don't beat yourself up over the way things are. I think its going very well.

    Just my .02

  4. Dakota
    Joined: Jan 21, 2004
    Posts: 1,535

    from Beulah, ND

    Ryan, After bgeing a part of the online community for a long time, i have been on and off lots of boards.

    The biggest thing here is i think you need to add a few more Moderators, out of some of the members here. Make them police themselves. This had bothe made and broke alot of boards though too so you would have to bee choosey on who you picked.

    Dont add more boards, its hard enough to keep up with everything on the main board as it is. I like to read it all, as alot of people do. And if they see something they dont like, they can pass it over just as easy as anything. if they dont like it, dont click on it.

    I have not been a member long, but i hagrown to really love this place. I hope i can contribute to it as well as others do.

  5. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
    Posts: 22,233

    Staff Member

    VT, that image is actually getting ready to change real soon! [​IMG] Kevin and I are working on a new HAMB design that quite frankly kicks some serious ass.

    That said, you are one of my favorites so I don't think you have anything to worry about at all...
  6. praisethelowered
    Joined: Aug 14, 2003
    Posts: 1,103



    1. Some kind of parts wanted section where the items are listed in the title would be great- that way we can all help each other find parts. It will help combat the e-bayification of the world and give us another way to help each other out. And that is what binds us together.

    2. Avatar pictures- NO PORN! I leave the HAMB on as a background at work and look when large files are regenerating. I want the HAMB to look as generic as possible from five feet away.

    3. Avatar pictures- Not to be a nazi or anything, but if everyone had to post a picture of thier car it would be way easier to "consider the source" when reading people's comments. Our cars are how we communicate and it will keep the jokers who haven't built anything from spouting off. In the real world I make more of an effort to talk to someone when I like thier car because it has alrerady coimmunicated to me that we have something in common. It would help if we could use our cars to "speak for us" a little bit on the HAMB as well.

    4. The search function is the only real technical problem. Like bass said, more optionsd for filtering searches would be great.

    5. Somebody else mentioned "no merchandise" and at the risk of opening a can of flame on myself lets just say I second that. The world has too many t-shirts with logos already.

    6. Several have suggested a requirement to fill out the user profile. I agree. Again it would indicate pretty well who is interested in traditional cars and who is interested in clogging up boards with O.T.

    7. I'm conflicted about the idea of splitting the board. I too don't see why the hamb should provide a place for any O.T. discussion. However, I am pretty sure if there was a tech only section I wouldn't go anywhere else and all of the coolest hambers and best posts would end up there.
    Joined: Nov 6, 2002
    Posts: 3,410


    [ QUOTE ]
    VT, that image is actually getting ready to change real soon! Kevin and I are working on a new HAMB design that quite frankly kicks some serious ass.
    That said, you are one of my favorites so I don't think you have anything to worry about at all...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    OH no!.....uhhh....I was just joking about blowing the Fairlane out my ass, folks.

    How does one go about doing that anyhow? [​IMG]
  8. Coupe-De-CAB
    Joined: Sep 30, 2004
    Posts: 2,098

    from Nor Cal

    Congrat's to you and Grimlok for a job well done on the Hamb... this place rules and glad i found it with my new passion with these cars and owning/driving one as well:) I have already learned many things here and i have to say this is the fastest moving board forum i have ever been to and seems people are always lurking, responding and contributing here... which is great!

    To help... i wouldn't mind if you charged to be a member on the Hamb and i would gladly pay to support what you guys have created here:)

    When my new "skate deck" comes out in a month featureing my Ford coupe on it, i will donate it to be auctioned off to contribute to this place.. can't wait!

    best wishes and be proud.

    good points... Paypal- calender of events.

  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Is this place about the people, or the cars?

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good answer.
  10. FoMoCo_MoFo
    Joined: Mar 30, 2001
    Posts: 1,666


    as far as i see it the HAMB need little fine tuning. i like that it's not super high tech and state of the art it is similar to our cars. simple and easy to use.

    O/T section would be good, because the moderators can always transfer whatever they feel is trully O/T over to there. By way of doing this, newbies etc. will get a feel of what is actually on topic for the HAMB. it would work kind of like a toilet. all the off topic SHIT can go there.

    CALENDER of events is good...

    i like the auctions...but the paypal button could be a good thing too.

    RIDES I always like to see pix of cars. but would employ an "up to 1964" rule.
  11. Here's an idea for you. It's for the idiots that start shit or post too much off topic. Slapping them on the wrist and babysitting them would just be a pain in the ass for Ryan. Put these people on a probation by limiting their posting. If they only have say 1 post and 6 replies a week maybe they will think more before using them. Might be good for newbies too. Maybe give them a little more til they get used to the place. If you still use your probation posts for OT stuff and drama.....kick em to the curb!

    Sorry I can't be harsh about the board. I like it the way it is. It's just a few people that like to start shit. I'm guilty of pickin on friends and when I try to joke with someone I don't know I try to make it very clear I'm joking. I came in to this place when most of the newbies got a good hazing when they came in. I was dissapointed I wasn't given a harder time. Newbie posts have sorta lost their fun. I check them out from time to time to see if they have a nice car or they are a local person. Most of the time I only have time to check the posts that interest me.
    Some of the suggestions I've liked...
    Car pics in the profile page
    Spell check (my spelling sucks!)
    Event calender
    Paypal page (you deserve to get paid!!!!)
  12. Sailor
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 824


    Im member no.60 or so, and got to admit that Im not nearly as much around as before. The reason for this doesnt have anything with the way you run the board, Ryan, -thats all good. The reason is more the scale of it all these days, I think. What used to be a corner on the web populated by a bunch of great personalities one could get to know (in my case without actually meeting them), is now a huge mall with thousands of almost identicalposting types writing the same ON-topic stuff about the same cars. The standard-issue IronCross-thread is coming up more and more frequently so to speak, and its getting hard to spot the types whose posts I love to read, -ON-topic or not (and yes; JimA is one of these)

    I have no idea if this is really is an objective problem that needs fixing or how to fix it, -Im just pointing out what it looks like from my corner without bitching and moaning too much.. [​IMG]

    Attached Files:

  13. Joe Riot
    Joined: Nov 29, 2002
    Posts: 330

    Joe Riot
    from N Y of C

    I didn't read everyones post but I'm sure someone had mentioned it already. How about a page where we can upload photos of our cars. A photo gallery section.. or something?
  14. GomezGarage
    Joined: Jun 28, 2004
    Posts: 327


    Being a sorta newbie I dont have much to say. I came here from the Muscle Car era scene. The only thing I can think of is a "Hamber's Rides Section" You could search cars and get ideas. Other than that is a rough crowd sometimes but thats what makes it cool.
  15. Boones
    Joined: Mar 4, 2001
    Posts: 9,691

    from Kent, Wa
    1. Northwest HAMBers

    Sailors note got me thing of something I did not post in last nights note but should have in my section about OT as an example of something that some may consider OT but in reality is not. .Germs postings. I think more of his thoughts/postings are needed (not posers or imposters typing like him) if folks just thought about what he is saying they might get whats going on.

    Ryan I am not sure how I think about your suggestion of having more subtopics. I lean both ways. One aspect if it keeps the board more focused on Hot Rods that is great but Rock-N-Roll has always been part of cars and a post about a new bands or album is not so bad.
  16. sawzall
    Joined: Jul 15, 2002
    Posts: 4,746


    [ QUOTE ]
    I don't think you need to do better...WE need to do better!
    A photo album would be nice but seperating the Forum would not help. Make an off topic forum and people would still use the main forum cause only a few would read the off topic section.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I totally agree, one other board I frequent has like 25 seperate forums.. ( amd its actually more difficult to follow for me..
    I like the idea of a photo album, but how can you keep people from uploading files to your server and then using them for activities other than the hamb? (like ebay auctions)

    anyhow RYAN. I need to publically thank you for this place.. without it many of the friendships I have made over the last 2 years would not exist..

    thanks sawzall jeff
  17. Broman
    Joined: Jan 31, 2002
    Posts: 1,487

    from an Island

    I would like to amend my reply.

    When I first started lurking I used to drool over the different "stories" at The Jalopy Journal and the cars in the "Reader's Rides" section. I know it just makes more work for you to keep it up and fresh, but I miss that........

    Maybe you could take submissions for something like that. Put it together with some art submissions and have a whole gallery for the expressionistic side of the web-site.

    My previous advise was more of a "If I HAVE to bitch about something - then here goes.." post, but in reality I think the HAMB is top flight as-is. I don't mind the opinions and OT stuff and the current format is pretty good. People take stuff too seriously sometimes when it comes to outside opinions. Speaking of opinions, sorry about sounding like such a dick before - the wife was bitching at me and the kid was yelling......makes for an edgy poster. [​IMG]

    Anywho, these suggestions merely take the "web-site" part of things a little farther. Which is probably more of an aesthetics issue for outsiders and passers-by as opposed to the message board side of things. I am guessing this post will carry no weight compared to the message board suggestions....not that any of my posts carry any weight. (VT - I'm thouroughly jealous! [​IMG])

    ohh and BTW

    C9's multiple pic posting issue is a great idea.

    I still hate the idea of selling merchandise.

    Paypal - a must

    ...other than that I am fresh out of good ideas.
  18. bootie
    Joined: Jul 31, 2004
    Posts: 194


    i don't mind the O/T or the check this out posts - just wish they had better titles so it makes it easier to sift through - other than that i don't have any complaints
  19. Kilroy
    Joined: Aug 2, 2001
    Posts: 3,230

    from Orange, Ca

    Strong Opinion? Ok.

    There has been so much whining on here lately it makes me fucking sick. The HAMB has never suffered idiots well and the thin skinned usually didn't last long. It's also what made the HAMB lean and mean. New people learned real quick that we didn't care about how other people did it, we wanted it done right. They knew that they'd better hit the ground running or shut up long enough to figure out what went on here before sticking their foot in their mouth. I learned a lot from that and truely respect those that I may have butted heads with in the past. I value the HONESTY more than anything else.

    Now you have people that have been here for years, and should fucking-well know better, getting PUSSY-HURT and leaving. I say the same thing goes for them that goes for the new guy that says "F-You" and leaves...
    Don't let the door hit you on the way out!

    That's another thing that made the HAMB great... IRREVERANCE! We also didn't care WHO you were, if you sounded like an ass, you had your hat handed to you. That goes for long-time HAMBers too.

    JimA spent most of his time here justifying his decisions and his life. If he had just shut up, he would have been a lot happier. He always seemed to think because of who he was or what he did, or how long he'd been here, he should be treated nicer than anyone else on the HAMB. That's just another type of Billet-style elitism.

    So, I say keep the HAMB what it is. If you want to change anything, maybe a little blurb about the mission of the HAMB as you sign on. And maybe a 1 week delay before you can post after you sign on. Give people a chance to get to know the place before they do something they might regret, and get rid of folks who just want to come on here to sell shit.

    Also, as stupid as it sounds, you need to define what is a "Traditional Rod" as it applies to the HAMB. If you say a VW is a Traditional Rod, then those of us who don't can take it or leave it. We won't bitch about VW posts if they pop up if they are sanctioned by you.

    What you say goes. You're doing a job I cant even fathom on here. Don't take any crap. [​IMG]
  20. Holy crap Batman, If there's one thing I respect is a man who says what he feels. I agree, after being on several auto related talk groups, it's great to be here where word is "word". If you screened the incoming for political correctness or off color remarks, it would just be another BORING talk group. I would hope readers and posters are old enough to use the computer without a parental watch program installed. I'm still a new poster, but long time browser. Keep H.A.M.B. as it is. Need donations? Just ask.
  21. Ryan...thanx for what you've done!!I'm amazed you'd even ask all us opinionated bash-tards! [​IMG]
    I didn't read all the responses............ [​IMG]
    For the same reason i hardly ever read the classified's
    Sooooo on that note ....the only thing i think would make my life easier is.........
    (and it prolly already been said) [​IMG]..but..
    would be too break down the "for sale" stuff,maybe!!
    1-driver cars,2-project cars,3-parts n pieces,4-trinkets,5-rubber n round things,6-power n parts..
    Dats my 2 bits worth!!and as somebone else on here says"and i owe ya change"!! [​IMG]
    Thanx Ryan and crew.
  22. Rocket88
    Joined: Jul 11, 2001
    Posts: 912


    Sailor, for me you what you said hit the nail on the head.
    We've always had drama and shit going on, now it's just magnified by the sheer numbers.
    I'm looking forward to the changes you have planned.
    With out the HAMB my car would be what it is so far.
    I've met a lot of cool people and learned a great deal, keep up the good work.
  23. McGrath
    Joined: Apr 15, 2002
    Posts: 1,414


    [ QUOTE ]
    Also, as stupid as it sounds, you need to define what is a "Traditional Rod" as it applies to the HAMB.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can see why Ryan has not made any Rulings about what should or should not be talked about on the HAMB. It's kind of hard to make a call on all the "Off-Topic" stuff because the interests here are so diverse. For example, Tiki Bars and Skateboarding don't have much to do with Traditional Rods and Customs, but both subjects are well recieved on the HAMB.

    Some O/T things seem obvious, like Muscle Cars and Street Rods, but more and more "Street Rodders" are starting to build cars in the Old Styles. If they keep it up, the line is going to get blurry there too. What will be the defining point then? Cost? Whether it was built by the owner or not?

    I think VT's Fairlane fits in just fine. What if I build a Gasser Style '62 Impala? Will it be a Musclecar or a Gasser?
  24. Bruce Lancaster
    Joined: Oct 9, 2001
    Posts: 21,681

    Bruce Lancaster
    Member Emeritus

    We have the BEST auto magazine on the planet, instant and loaded with real experts on every branch of automotive work, design, and history. If I need to know how to rebuild a hydromatic, weld a razor blade to an anvil, or chop a '53 Chevy, I can get immediate, experienced information, usually well illustrated, right now. HAMB has a thousand times the technical expertise and authority that Primedia has.
    I see two problems: First, too much off-topic garbage, and second, a lack of permanence--this is, in effect, a magazine that has only a current issue, so the info does not cumulate except for the few treasures that go into TechOmatic. If I remember an article from six weeks ago that I could now use, it's gone--at best I can beg for repition from an overworked expert or perhaps a copy from someones personal files. If a way can be found to put the best of HAMB into an archive, we will have the best auto rag on the planet, one that will draw in people as they discover the source of the info they can find in a web search. What I suggest: A massive overhaul of the Techomatic. I see a first page of Tech that just shows clicks for topics--early Ford tech, brakes, steering, suspension, etc. Each click will lead to a menu of techomatic posts--Early Ford to a page showing brakes, brake swaps, flatheads, four bangers, wishbones, steering...
    Other departments would lead to Nailheads, Hemis, Rockets, etc, and whole clusters of more generally usable info on brakes, sheetmetal work, welding, suspension mods, formulas, and so on.
    Each category would have its own editor, moving the best materials posted in his area into TECH, deleting the useless bits and adding new info as it appears. Someone looking for cowl steering or split rod info would find a whole page of the best of HAMB on his topic, and the real experts wouldn't have to rewrite the same basics over and over again. These pages would cover most repeat inquiries and also serve as a jumping-off point for further info and new ideas. Imagine the power of a magazine as good as HAMB with all the best of its back issues readily available!

    Badly OT postings or stuff that's pointlessly profane or abusive should be killed and deleted at once. If a good post goes bad, lock it after cutting the garbage. If a post starts out bad, kill it and lose it. Send out warnings at once, eject the culprit if necessary.
    The policies on this should be posted across the first page right above the first articles, posted in sight and not in a post needing to be opened. HAMB is, of course,a family and community, and this policy does not need to apply to decent social posts or community responses of support to bereavement, troubled lives, and personal triumphs even as non-tech stuff is rooted out. No community can survive on tech alone! Also, it has been suggested that there be a separate forum area for bull and chat--not a bad idea.
    Anytime trouble increases too much, declare "Tech Week!"

    Little stuff:
    Put the searching instructions up front on the search page--the stuff like "+1932 + Ford", rather than hiding them.
    Make picture posting easier.
    Make HAMBage like stickers and T shirts readily available--this always gets so complicated and confused I give up.
    Money--a big archival operation with pictures obviou$ly costs a lot. Make $ contributions easy, have a suggested yearly upkeep contribution, be sure members know this is a costly operations. All the times this has come up, I have been so confused by the pages of discussion I am unsure whether HAMB actually needs money or not!
    I spend $5.00 over and over to buy Primedia mags I frequently don't even open--what would I pay for HAMB? Lots!

    To get back to my main point, think what HAMB could be with its past and present readily available. How awesome would Hot Rod and R&C be if we could readily search out 1953 engine swaps and such? We could do that right here! Bruce

  25. Mel
    Joined: Sep 8, 2002
    Posts: 544


    If you add more boards, a new post search function is helpful... otherwise the boards will move creep along as people get into the habit of checking just one board. In light of that, separate art, o/t, and general boards could be helpful in keeping tech at the top. I don't think it's necessary to separate into hot rods, customs, ect since the info is fairly universal.

    Anyway, whatever you do, I'm sure it will rock...
    I'll be looking forward to the calendar function [​IMG]
  26. add to my list NO E-BAY no links, no post about, no spam just plain no e-bay period.

    I think one thing you need to respect is that if Ryan Receives money from a paypal button this becomes Taxable income and a bussiness
    He is already border line auditable and I belive he has expressed he dosnt want the hassle!!!

    also a miscatoragized button that sends a flag to the moderators to view a thread like on craigslist

    there are alot of good ideas from craigslist that can be learned it is the largest message board info line for free in the world

    I agree about this place being better than any magazine but the differance is that if i remember a article i can just go pickit up and get my answer. on the hamb if i remember something i need to see again good luck finding it
  27. ray
    Joined: Jun 25, 2001
    Posts: 3,798

    from colorado

    an option to IGNORE certain postes might make Ryan's job easier. you add a button, so people can selectively ignore posters and/or topics they don't care for, it's like they don't even exist. that way they deal with the issue themselves, and not cry to ryan everytime oneload posts something they don't like. probably a bandwidth hog though.
  28. LiL' NiCk
    Joined: Oct 15, 2002
    Posts: 722

    LiL' NiCk

    I have had problems contacting you. My hamb'o dex took a while, but most recently I tried asking your permission to make HAMB t's-all I wanted was a go head or a No way can't do. Maybe if people knew what kool to ask you and how many weeks is needed for a response.

    Subject categories:
    I remember being part of requesting a HAMB art show 2 years ago. I post art less now, but have noticed it blew up-in to ways stripin & auto art. Maybe a separte link to "kustom Kulture/ Hot Rod art" would be appropriate. I know you say this is for cars. But without auto-rendering, such I & others do, we wouldn't know what it might look like.

    Ryan ya must be delighted for all this donated money!!
    Could we have a Auction/ Hamb donation link?
    And with no/ response to my PM's, all your auctions, and personal friend's pm's....Is there a way to get help with general & basic replies?

    Alll in all you don't have to change anything if you don't want to. This place is GREAT, and surreal!!!!!!!Ryan, look at what you've DONE!!!- You've created an entire culture, I've meet people from around the USA & world because of you!How could you improve that accomplishment!!!!!

    Hamber carartNICK
  29. oldchevyseller
    Joined: May 30, 2004
    Posts: 1,851

    from mankato mn

    Ignore lists,, this deals with the whole dynamic content vs cached pages issue almost every page on the frontend is cached. it is extremely difficult to make some post and users posts appear for some users, but not others,,this is gonna be on the admin functiond to give permissions,

    for people who don't know forum site manageing is the shits, you live it, breath it, and die with it, so profs out to ryan ,as i have told him .about the running of this site and it 's ability to even be here with out endless crashing and so overrun with crap that is no use to anyone,

    do some web search , anything on ubbthreads, or a place called evedev, forum admin sites, the geeks hangouts, very cool and informative,and read about this 6.5 ubb he is planning on upgradeing to, The 6.7 version is going have some new stuff, computer language is always changing and hackable,menaing tweaking it to your likings or the users liking,
  30. Lionheart
    Joined: May 8, 2003
    Posts: 745


    I agree with most everything Bruce Lancaster had to say.
    It makes sence and would make the HAMB easier to navigate
    and find topics again that interest you.

    Forget the intro---make EVERYONE fill out a COMPLETE, NO
    BULLSHIT BIO. Then if anyone wants to see a little info on someone, you don't have to waist time finding their intro.

    Hope you figure it out Ryan, i'm sure you will. Good Luck.

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