Just stopping in to do an intro, as that's about all I have to offer around here at this point! I just picked up a 351W that's pretty damn rusty, and I'm going to see what I can do with it. I have never built an engine before, never done much of any work on a car before, but I have always been interested and wanted to know how things worked, etc. So about a week ago I started checking things out on the internet from basic "how engines work" online tutorials to resto-mod articles, etc. I'll be up front here, I bought the 351w because I had (have?) ideas of tearing it down and rebuilding it to drop into a 66-68 Mustang coupe. Most drool over the fastbacks, but I like the idea of the understated sleeper coupe with a nicely punched out engine. Now- I do realize that Mustangs are NOT what this place is about! I am not here to talk about mustangs, I'm here to pick up what I can in terms of general knowledge. In fact, I have known about this place for a while now because of Jockey Journal, I have read things here and there, but never having a car project, guess I never figured it made sense to register. So, that's pretty much it. I'm 24, believe it or not I feel like I might be done with motorcycles. Had a wreck that I can't seem to get over, but the need for speed is still there, so I guess going fast with a steel frame around me is the logical next step? I don't know... Oh, and although I bought the 351w with the intent of it going into a mustang, I am not opposed to other ideas. I have always liked the ratrods too! The nice hotrod coupes and such are cool as well, but if I were going to mate this engine up with a bucket and some wheels, it'd be rat all the way. Thanks for having me, Matt
Tone down that Rat Rod talk, Matt. It will make things go a whole lot easier for you on here. Traditional hot rods and rats are two different animals. Keep reading the posts here and studying examples of traditional hot rods in photos posted. You're not lost yet at 24, so we'll try to keep you on the right track. Welcome from So. Md.....Don.
Welcome UB1noobi! I grew up in Sykesville, MD. Find a reputable machine shop and get the block checked out. In for a penny in for a pound I say. What I mean is set up for checking decks, crank and cam centerlines, and bore is halfway there to actually decking, line boring and cylinder boring. These things are the foundation for the engine and if you start right you finish right. Spend the money on the bottom end and you won't be pulling it apart again for a long time! How about an early Falcon? Light cars. Hope it works out for ya. No more bikes for me. Remember; you get hurt in the dirt but you loose meat in the street!