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Hey Alberta Hambers!! Time to pull your socks up!!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Jalopy Kid, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. Old-Soul
    Joined: Jun 16, 2007
    Posts: 3,788


    Who's Dave :confused:

    I think we're getting a pretty good response here as to what people would like to see happen in our area. I'm a little suprised, however, that some people appear to be so against the idea of a traditional show. I understand that lots of people, like flamedolds like to see a healthy mix of participants at a show. What I don't understand is why we would want to make this just like every other show? The Rumble in Edmonton and the Diablo's show in Calgary are shows that you can attend to see this mix in builds, whats wrong with having a show catered towards us?
  2. EnglishBob
    Joined: Jan 19, 2008
    Posts: 1,029


    I havent read anything thats 'against' a traditional show more like people giving you advice on what will make a show a success
    If you are trying to attract enough steadfast traditional rides to make it worthwhile i personally think you'll struggle,but as others have said if you could combine it with other shows until the support grows (which it will as fellow traditionalist see your rides and chat)then you could have a purely traditional ride show
    My 0.02
  3. Old-Soul
    Joined: Jun 16, 2007
    Posts: 3,788


    Gotcha. I mis-read what you had previously posted. Sorry for the mixup.
  4. I must say, this whole idea is going over much better on the hamb than it is on my facebook page....
  5. flamedolds
    Joined: Feb 19, 2005
    Posts: 293


    WHOOPS!!! Sorry man got your and fat dave's post mixed up in my response, I am not against the idea of you having the show at all -- but as I said before this thread was started as a general discussion of the state of hot rodding in Alberta not one about having a show and any of the links I have seen posted or the message I got telling me to come check out this thread touted it as an "open discussion on the state of hot rodding in Alberta/Canada" yet anytime anyone says something that doesn't match certain opinions they get told they are wrong. That's not an open discussion it's telling people what to think.

    I think it's cool you guys want to do a traditional show, and have said many times that I really like what you Matt and Lee are up to, it's not my thing but you guys do a wicked job of what you do and I personnally think your coupe is one of the coolest cars in the city I followed your build diary on the "F-Book" and was really impressed by the quality of work and I like you guys aren't just about slapping an unsafe car together so you can drive before it's really ready to be driven -- I also already stated that I KNOW how hard it is to try and do an exclusive show because the first year we did the rumble we wanted to have all kinds of rules and realized if we did -- no one would show up. There just weren't the cars. There are a few more out there now almost 6years from the time we first started doing that show.

    I completely get where you guys are coming from. I am never the guy who goes off about where I've been or what I know but in this case I just want to mention what I have seen in the last 18 years, I have been hanging around the traditional rod "scene" since I was 15 or 16, and cars in general since I was a kid, I've had, worked on and driven a lot of cars and been to a lot of shows, and found people were always accepting of what I was doing, moreso that I was of what they were that's for sure. It really seems it's the last couple years that people have REALLY started getting pissy with all the different classifications put on cars.

    I used to take a real hard line with what I liked -- I ran the 58 with bias plys for the first two years I had it until I got tired of it driving me instead of me driving it and worrying about whether I'd have a bias blowout cause I like to do 130-140kmh on the highway. I don't like bags, used to go off about them, then I moved here met Hal and decided "hey why would I get all pissy cause he likes his car on a modern chassis running bags" I have usually hid my stereos in glove boxes or under dashes and try to hide speakers or use cool speaker covers.
    I like things as close to the period that you are trying to go for as possible. I just happen to be partial to the mid to late 60's era of customs and hot rods and being 33 now *shudder....

    I have just eased up on the whole thing and decided it's really not worth the stress to worry about what everyone else is doing as long as I'm happy. Which is why I spend most of my time working on my car by myself and driving around by myself, moreso just reading and checking out pictures and tech on the HAMB than joining in, too many arguments and I don't need to be up at 2am pissed off because I have a differing opinon than some faceless avitar I have never met, I don't sleep enough as it is, the debates are endless as to what is traditional or cool or whatever and it's why I get labelled as anti social -- it's not that I don't like people, I hate bitching and find if I do my own thing and don't talk to a bunch of people, I don't have to hear them bitch. Just have some fun keep building the cars you boys are building and people will dig it if they don't who cares I KNOW you don't.
    If you guys are gonna do the show tell me when and you know I'll be there, as long as the 62 Caddy meets your requirements and hopefully you guys will still support the rumble even though we don't take the hard line approach.
  6. Dave, your car is a salvage yard.
  7. Old-Soul
    Joined: Jun 16, 2007
    Posts: 3,788


    True, this thread has kind of gone on a different tangent then where it started, but we have been having some interesting conversation and it's important to hear everyones voice to ensure we do the best we can. I'm sure this thread will carry onto other topics as well (at least, I hope so)

    I don't think I'm telling anyone how to do anything. All I stated was what I personally feel is missing, and what I'd like to see change. I'm not telling anyone how to do anything. If you want 22" wheels, go for it. If you want sawblades and barbedwire welded to your car, fine (I guess??) it's your car do what you want. All we're trying to do is give guys who would rather see more traditional rides a venue in which do do it.

    *edt* Damn, 33?
  8. Although a seperate event would be cool I do tend to agree that it would be a great idea to try and organize enough guys to have a traditional section in an established show to help get word out that there are like minded guys out there. Unless you are a part of this forum and happen to look at this link how would you know. This is the first time I have heard of the Rumble and I try to go to as many shows as I can in Edm but not really being part of the "scene" (no running showable car) I like I'm sure many others don't hear about these things.
  9. flamedolds
    Joined: Feb 19, 2005
    Posts: 293


    One of the reasons a lot of people haven't heard of the Rumble even though this was our 5th year is we purposely only promote it in a certain way. The big thing with the rule thing that I found was this -- you only promote it to a certain group, but some of those people have friends with cars that aren't really your thing, and they show up with people. Like having a party and someone that wasn't invited shows up with someone who was. We don't mean to exclude anyone who is interested in what we do, moreso just limit the amount of accidental attendees as I really hate turning people away. We have turned cars away. We have asked people to move to allow cars more in the vein of the show to park closer to the action. As I said my personal taste runs more into the 60's style stuff and I prefer to see that myself. If I could have a show with a street full of cars like the Los Bolevardos guys are rolling I would maybe just pee in my pants. But I'm the minority in town and I get it. So I just do as I like and don't worry about it.
    I am sure if a bunch of you guys who are more into the early traditional rods want a special section for yourselves where not only could you be surrounded by the cars you're into AND even (and probably should) have a table there with some old magazines literature and you guys in person just sharing what you know and how you feel about things at the Rumble the rest of the guys in the Kreepers wouldn't have an issue with it and I certainly would not. Using an established show to get your word out and get some attention towards doing a strictly traditional show with a more hard line approach than ours. If you want to talk to any one of us about it, Lee I'll probably be by the shop later today to chat about a different topic and we can maybe get the ball rolling on that at the same time.
  10. I hear ya. I'm sure it becomes a pretty slippery slope as to who and what you allow in without the hassle of people being pissed off. I also agree that it's hard because every guy has a different opinion on what they want to see.
  11. plodge55aqua
    Joined: Jan 4, 2009
    Posts: 1,710

    from Alberta

    It would be cool just meet every one thats here first.. Ive seen a few cars at the shows.. but no bodies...:)
  12. Old-Soul
    Joined: Jun 16, 2007
    Posts: 3,788


    I'm impressed with the amount of response we've got, keep it coming guys.
  13. Hey Graham any luck on finding a suitable location for a meet in sylvan lake?
  14. flamedolds
    Joined: Feb 19, 2005
    Posts: 293


    Sylvan would be cool for a show -- but on a side note -- some of the Red Deer guys had thought of putting a show on there and decided against it because the RCMP out there are a real drag and don't like hot rods much. Might wanna talk to some of the locals or the RCMP themselves and make sure it wouldn't just be driving into trouble.
  15. Old-Soul
    Joined: Jun 16, 2007
    Posts: 3,788


    Sorry guys, I'll have to call the town of Sylvan Lake tommorow and see what facilities are available to a group of hooligans like us. We've been dead at work for 2 weeks but these past 2 days have been crazy busy (not that it's a bad thing)

    What kind of facility would we like to use? I'd prefer to be somewhere a little more secluded, limit the "civilian traffic" if you will. What does everyone else think? I'm sure theres a few Parks Canada day-campgrounds around the lake. Or we could just roll in and attempt to take over Lakside Drive right on the main drag, theres a park there that has tables etc etc
  16. brad2v
    Joined: Jun 29, 2009
    Posts: 1,652


    What about Lacombe, Gull Lake, or Bentley for this year? Then look at maybe central Saskatchewan for 2010?
  17. Old-Soul
    Joined: Jun 16, 2007
    Posts: 3,788


    Brad, I went on Google Maps and found that Sylvan is smack-dab halfway from both our major city centers, so I figured it'd be a natural choice. It's also larger and thus has more space for us to take over...

    If it doesn;t pan out I can try some other locations as well. Thanks for the ideas.
  18. El Gordo
    Joined: Aug 20, 2007
    Posts: 432

    El Gordo

    Hey I was clapping 'cause I got to hear a flathead runnin' down the road pedal to the metal:cool: - and I LIKED it
  19. Fishtail8
    Joined: Jul 18, 2007
    Posts: 366


    Good post Lee, the only problem with applying "rules" is that it projects a type of cliquey vibe. Kinda like in high school with the different groups. Granted there are cars that will become exceptions to the rules.
    As I've seen in years past racing on the dirt, as soon as one person gets an exception to the rules, the rest of the people with a similar mod want the same thing. It can lead to a bunch of whining, but we're not here for that.

    I will agree that something is wrong in Edmonton, and the hotrod scene is just one of em. It seems as if it's not football, hockey, or a festival, no one wants to give it coverage or attend. See ya on the streets, or at the track...
  20. George G
    Joined: Jun 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,275

    George G

    I heard Sylan Lake will fine you for Swearin Spittin and Drinkin.

    Regardless Gavin and I will be there....
  21. Old-Soul
    Joined: Jun 16, 2007
    Posts: 3,788


    Damn I forgot about that. It would be cool to take over Lakeside Drive but I think we might get hassled.

    I'll let you guys know what I find out about local day-camp areas.
  22. GearHead614
    Joined: Dec 28, 2006
    Posts: 145


    Im in too, i had my car show in Acme in june 4th annal Acme Hotrod-a-Rama but i cant seem to get any cars to come barely let alone pre 64..thats what i would love to do but i just cant get the support. But if it came down to it we could always have it i n Acme cause i can do pretty much what ever i want in this town it seems lol and nobody says anything
  23. Ok so I am promoting this on my facebook page as well and for the most part is it not going over very well with alot of the non traditonal hot rodders, in fact its just getting bad. So my girlfriend came up with the best idea so far.
    The following is a direct quote from my facebook page so thats why I had to explain the LA roadster thing in laymens terms.

    "OK OK OK!!! My amazing girlfriend just came up with the most brilliant idea.
    So we want to put on a traditional show, and it seems people with non traditional cars are offended because they cannot participate.
    So here is the idea. We will still have the traditional show with cars that fit under the criteria, however we will also have another section of the show for cars that do not fit the criteria. Take the LA Roadster show for example. the LA Roadster show is for roadsters only, no if's and's or buts. However, they have a large portion of the parking lot roped off for all the cars that are not roadsters.
    Another example would be the Grand National Roadster Show, in the basement they have the "Suede Palace" for all the cars that dont fit in with the upstairs part of the show.
    This way we can still have our traditional show and promote traditional hot rodding more, but yet everyone who doesnt fit in with their non traditional rides can still participate....
    What do you all think?"
  24. Old-Soul
    Joined: Jun 16, 2007
    Posts: 3,788


    I'm getting a little confused here, haha.

    The event next month we're trying to get off the ground is a H.A.M.B meet right? As in no 'hardline' criteria, just getting HAMBers together right? And it's sort of a for-runner to see if there is interest in an actual show later on down the road?
  25. Old-Soul
    Joined: Jun 16, 2007
    Posts: 3,788


    Holy shit, I just read Lee's facebook topic and he was not kidding! Some people get their panties all knotted up something fierce.

    My coupe wouldn't be welcome in a minitruck show. Do I get all pissed about it? Nope.
  26. selohssa
    Joined: Jun 16, 2009
    Posts: 443


    I am all for a small show in Sylvan but what about a weekly, semi monthly, or monthly informal get together of HAMBers in Edmonchuck. I haven't entered a car in a show for years because I don't want to sit on a lawn chair all day and give the same answer to the question that everyone asks (What year is your car?). As for spreading the "traditional" ways to others, who cares. All of my friends drive BMW, Mercedes, or other modern forms of luxury motoring. They don't understand what I do but that has never stopped me. I think that the emphasis should be on having like minded individuals enjoying themselves and not on influencing others to do the same. LG, if you want to open your doors to HAMBers on a regular basis, I would thank you for it. I would be there for sure. I wouldn't care if people don't have their project running and show up in their 1997 Sunfire as long as they enjoy the same past time as the rest of us. What day of the week / month works? Is anyone else in?
  27. George G
    Joined: Jun 28, 2005
    Posts: 1,275

    George G

    "weekly, semi monthly, or monthly informal get together of HAMBers in Edmonchuck."

    I was thinking aout something similar. Informal Hamb and Eggs at Haps Hungry House some time....
  28. There is no guidelines for the event next month, so you can show up in your mini truck graham and even park next to my coupe haha

    Yea its getting a little out of hand over there, some people just dont get it. They dont undertstand why they cant put a mustang in an all mopar show...

    We used to have "pub night" every thursday but it ended up becoming race car night because we decided instead of sitting in the parking lot every thursday drinking beer and smoking that we should be productive. So we started building a 27 T 60's style altered and now we work on that every thursday night.
    However there I would be down for Hamb meet at the shop for sure, either weekly or bi-weekly or once a month...
  29. The ultimate point/goal isn't to convert people to the traditional way it is to show guys that are already interested that there are others out there and give them a show or a section of a show that they can attend as a group of like minded car enthusiasts rather than being the needle in a haystack that we seem to be currently.

    I believe the Sylvan Lake thing is more just a get together for Hambers at this point.
  30. Fishtail8
    Joined: Jul 18, 2007
    Posts: 366


    What are the chances of a link to the FB page to see the pouting?

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