Sure go to the SCTA-BIN website, buy the rulebook, $10 If you have a specific question, I could answer it, but if you're thinking of playing the game you need the rules anyways
Specifically wondering about a small flathead 6 cylinder and what else it would be running with. I am also under the immpression that there may be a class for the really small engine slow people that does not have the extensive safety cage, etc. requirements that the big boys do.
Give a better description on what you are thinking about, rodncustom. I have a current rule book. I'll need displacement, what you want to put the engine in and what fuel you want to burn. Be warned, the vintage inline classes are tough. People have been beating on those records since they were late models.
Safety equipment is determined by the record in your class. XO class is for inline flathead but it also includes non Ford and Merc flathead V8 and V12. "Big boys" are in all classes. Speed costs money - - - How fast do you want to go? Buy a rule book. Buy two.
The bad news is small flathead sixes run against big overhead sixes and inline eights in the BNI/SCTA. Only one class break 325 inches and under and 326 and over. You must be thinking of the USFRA 130 mph club rules. Check the USFRA web page for rules and info.
All SCTA car classes have safety requirements probably further-reaching than the casual participant may want to build. Safety requirements are tied to the class records (see Rule Book), not the anticipated speed of the entrant. Some exceptions are made with speed limits applied to vehicles runnng for Time Only. See Rich's answer above -- it's probably where you want to be.
If somebody has the time and knowledge it would be nice to get all this Bonneville stuff explained in layman terms and explain the differences, since there seems to be engine records but there also must be records to do with makes and models???
Stocked bodied 48-50 ford pickup. Flathead original engine and year to the truck. Mods, intake 2x2, ignition, heads, and exhaust. Stock wheels modern rubber. All, Please excuse my ignorance. Just curiousity. My Dad has always wanted to go and now that he is getting older. It's time to make his dream happen before he can no longer enjoy the adventure.
So a say 320 ci Hudson would have to run the same class with the overheads...GMC's......? Last time I tryed to get a rule book they blew me off. Anyone got one they would part with?
170 inch Studebaker and 320 inch hudson and 320 inch GMC and 320 inch Buick and any other pre 1959 inline engine or flathead V8 except Ford and Merc, run in the XO engine class. Then they are broken down by blown or unblown. Fuel or Gas. and then Specitalty overhead racing heads. Then by body types. PP is Production Pickup. and ther are coups, roadsters, lakesters, streamliners, and more. 1932 througn 1953 Ford and Merc engines run in XF classes. Lincolns do not run in XF they are XO
Sorry Richfox. Just a question I had to ask. I guess, your just too good to help a fellow HAMB'er and his pops. Oh well!
You responded just as I would have expected. Just a little more respect would have been cool. Thats why alot of HAMB'ers don't interact with discussions, as many have told me in the past. And you know, some times these responces don't post as fast as others. Enough said.
Last time I tryed to get a rule book they blew me off. Anyone got one they would part with?[/QUOTE]............................................................................................................ I don't understand this. SCTA/BNI have a web site and store that sells the rule book for $10.00. But by now they are probubly out of 2009 books. You may be able to get one fron USFRA which use the same book or ECTA which is very simular. If you join BNI they will send you a rule book when the new ones come from the printer. That should be March or later. They will also send you a Pit Pass for Bonneville 2010, a poster, jacket patch and window sticker. And some news letters that don't really say much. You could Google Bonneville Racing News and maybe subscribe to that and get 7 issues a year delivered with plenty of pictures, news about rule changes, cars and parts for sale and news from El Mirage, Australia, Texas, and Loring with pictures. You could go the the SCTA/BNI site and look up XF/PP records and stuff.
Your right their out of 2009 books. The'll put you on a waiting list for the next printing. There was a last years book on Eslay. I'll check them out again. Old is better than nothing.
In a way I guess it was my fault. I ordered the rule book on line on the scta site and mistakenly screwed up something on my card info. They emailed me about it, so I reentered/ reordered and got no confirmation. I emailed them asking about it 4 or 5 times and got no answer. So evidently they must think im trying to rip them off for a big 10 bucks. Rich Thank you for all the great info you always share.
The rule book is a evolution. As times and cars and powerplants changed the rules changed with them. The reason Rich and others don't seem to answer the "simple" questions is there is no simple answer. You need a rule book to even began to understand the answer if someone try's to explain it. This is not stuck up, it just takes more time and effort than you can get across in a typed answer. The sport is a passion not a past time. Those that really want to do it will learn how. How do I get a 100 point show car? How do I build a rat rod? What class should my El Camino run at the drags. If it were easy everyone would do it. Again, I'm not knock'in the fact your interested it's just tough to answer some of these questions in a few words, even face to face....
A begining answer would be that if you want to run at Speedweek wether you have a 169 inch Stude champ or a 239 inch Ford pickup, as I understand it, you will need a full funny car type roll cage. A racing seat, not plastic, with head restraints that limit head movement to 2 inches. A Hans device or simular approved restraint. 5 point seat belts. 3.2-15 full fire suit with boots, gloves, and head sock. Snell 2005 full face helmet. On board remote fire system. Fuel shut off in drivers reach. Remote inerital electric fuel pump shut off if so equiped. Outside electrical shutoff. Welded 360 degree wheels. Speed rated tires or special racing tires. One inch lug nuts. Forged or billet flywheel. 1/4 inch steel flywheel and clutch shield. Additional shielding for any fuel lines passing in the flywheel area. Door net. Axle retainers on the Stude at least to retain the wheel if the axle brakes. Driveshaft loop. CB and 5 lb. fire bottle in the push truck. tarp to park on. And more that I haven't thought of. 381 cars and trucks ran at Speedweek this year, so it can be done. But have a realistic idea of what you need to do before you get to the fun stuff.
Suggestions for 1950effie: 1. Don't plan on running your first trip to Bonneville. Go as a spectator with a rule book in your back pocket, and observe how much work and thought go into a competitive car. Then come home and make the decision as to whether to run or not. 2. Be pleasant to people you meet on this website. They could turn out to be your tech inspector. 3. Spend some time at
I went four years ago and again last year and got Salt Fever bad. Which I was warned by a member of the Pecker Heads here in NTX that it would happen if I went. My Dad went back in the 50's several times and has always wants to go back. But as time goes by families get in the way he never went. He mentioned in passing after I went that he always wanted to return before he took the last ride (I told him he's only 69 for God's sake!). But this time as a participant. I said sure let's do it. But let's do it right. Look for a class that interests us and an area where we know our stuff. Thus the question about the FOMOCO Pu and the Flathead. Both we know inside and out and have plenty of resources at hand. I certainly meant no disrespt to anyone. But sometime we all snap back a responce that is neither professional or polite. Particulaly when someone, a rookie at the salt, just wants a little help. I stayed off this web site for over two years back in 2006. Right after I joined I witnessed two "Seasoned Members" verbally duke it out and that set a bad tone for me. I dropped my membership for well over a year due to this. Expecially when we are all just follow rodders, and in this together. It's to tight of a community for one to attact another. Sorry for the speach. But advise and help to another is one thing I respect. To give back to others as you have been helped is No#1. So when I get hammered for asking a question, maybe more than once thats just not cool in my book. No matter who it is. Again, there was no disrespect intended to Rich, just respect asked in return. But JimSig, Thanks for the Wisdom! You what HAMB'ers are all about!