In early July I asked members of the H.A.M.B. their opinion on a new welder. My old 25 year old Solar welder had let me down numerous times and my welds always looked crappy. Was it my lack of skill or just a weak welder? I was interested in a new Millermatic w/autoset. Figured it's goof proof so that even a dummy like me could produce reasonable welds. A lot of you recommended the new Millermatic 211. I purchased one from the online site of "Indiana Oxygen". It was delivered to my door in less than 6 days and I had a $75 rebate check in my hand in under 3 weeks. Today was the first day I used it, as I had to upgrade some of my 230V outlets first and then gather material to continue the boxing on my '36 coupes frame. My welding skills astonished me. The welds looked so professional, so clean and the penetration was superb. Thank you Miller and thank you to the message board in directing me to a good dealer. I'm confident enough now to tackle any welding project on my own.
I have a millermatic 180 with autoset and love it. I was on a tight budget but absolutely had to have a 210 machine so that is what I bought for now. Right now I have .025 wire in it and on 16-22gauge sheet metal the autoset is a little hot. No biggie just do a couple spot checks and dial it back. BPD
That's why most of us recommend buying a good quality welders to all you guys, even if you're on a budget. Good tools DO make a difference!
Blasted.............Yes, I do coastal Maine, both at Long Sands in York and Moody Beach in Wells. Many years ago when I was a kid I lived in Brewster we surfed in Eastham and Nauset Beach in Orleans. My cousin keeps telling me to try Point Judith in R.I. Says it a real hot spot in Southern N.E. It's as much fun as hot rods and better exercise, right?