Not sure on this one, there seem to be some extra parts. Rebuilding a 1946 Zephyr frame (I know it was unibody) and suspension and need all the bushings, does anyone know if Ford parts of the same era interchange? or if not, where I can find lincoln bushings? Thanks,
No they are not the same. Goolge The Linclon Zephyr Owners Club on the web. They have a book that is published bi- monthly called The way of the zephyr. There are alot of suppliers there. Or give Earl Brown in Pa. a call 412-9414567 or Merv Adkins in Ca. 909 224 8562. Hope this will help you.
Yeah they are two totally different animals. Merv is out of town until the end of the month. He can set you straight. Hit him at Tell him his nephew from Nor Cal set you. I've got a better number for him also but you'll have to pm me for that. Good luck!
You need to getr a repro '36-48 Lincoln chassis parts book. Many small parts are the same as Ford, and once you learn the prefix system you can scan the assembly you are working with and spot what is Ford and what is Lincoln only.
Thanks guys, I think I found all I need.. your info did help a lot and we are getting closer to actually making it look like a car now.. This is for my son's first ever build.
Also Google the Lincoln Zephyr Owner's Club...there are a few specialist parts suppliers for the H cars. If you are rodding, do not let that slip...I was nearly lynched at their swapmeet when Alice revealed that the goodies I was buying were going onto a duce!