I have been having problems for years with my trailer. Sometimes the turn signals make the electric brakes click off and on. Sometimes turning on the headlights makes the brakes lock up. After monkeying around with the trailer and truck plugs, etc. I have finally concluded that there must be some kind of cross feed in the original POS tailights installed by the manufacturer. Looking for new, better lights, I have found that they now make LED lights to replace the old lights that use the 1157 bulbs. Any body have any experience with these LED lights? Thanks Big Bad Dad
those 1157 led bulbs arent so bright under glass lenses.. dont know how they would do if you had plastic lenses on your trailer.. I do know that I have swapped 4" round taillights for full LED lights (tractor trailer) on more than one trailer.. and I like them alot.
My new ( 2007 ) Pace motorcycle enclosed hauler came with them. My brother has them in his Harley Hauler also. They are very bright and seem to last a good while
I also have used the same 4" round LED--tractor trailer-- lights and like them a lot. They are much brighter and easier to see. No comparison to the other ideas.
i swapped a cheap pair from Pep Boys onto my trailer. Took just a few minutes and the visibility is great day or night compared to the old bulbs.
Use the "cheap" ones on my trailer as well, not the LED bulb in an old housing, but true LED tail lights, much much brighter and easier to see during the day. But they are more directional, you see them well from directly behind but visibility from the side is more limited then traditional bulbs.
I have 4" round LED's in mine as well and theyre great. I think you're problem lies in the wiring itself and not the lights. Just my .02.
I have three trailers with LED lights. The ONLY way to go. On the other hand, I have a stong hunch your challenges are not the style of light, rather some bad wiring. Most likely corrosion related. I have dealt with trailer light gremlins for almost thirty years. Often it is a bad ground, or two/three/four. In the end, the solution almost always ends up being a complete re-wire. It really isn't expensive and provides such a relief to a real pain in the butt problem. Best wishes
I agree with Bobwop in that you most likely have a wiring problem. That said, I run the 4 inch round led semi trailer replacement lights on my sailboat trailer and they are great. I also have the led side marker lights. I've got these http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/4-Ro...rts?hash=item56325f0b8c&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245 I bought them way back when led trailer lights were just showing up and have had them on the trailer for six years. I've bought quite a bit from this vender and they usually ship the same day they get the order. <input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">
This has been an on going problem since the trailer was new. I recently found out that the plastic tail lights dont even have a real socket for the bulb to twist in to. Just a couple of notched metal "plates". The bulbs get a cross feed to the second filament when the blinkers are turned on. They are a real cheap peice of crap, I would never have thought a builder would put something like them on a brand new trailer. But they did.................
I had the same problem on a brand new trailer.. cheapest of the cheap lights. I went to Northern Tool and bought all LED lights, the two Tail/Brake ones, the three red ones in the middle, and the two amber ones on the side. I think it was about $120 for everything and I haven't had a problem since. Plus they are very bright (bright enough that I haven't backed the trailer into the garage door since installing them ).