No, I didn't mean the really old HAMBers as in B.C. (Before Chrysler). I will be in Vancouver BC on vacation for a week, from the 23rd until the 30th. What are some interesting things to see that maybe the usual propaganda rags dont know about? Your favorite restaurants? Speed shops? Cool car stuff? We will go to Victoria as well. Any suggestions will be gladly taken.
i cant even begin to tell ya what there is to do..check out downtown vancouver[gas town],go to granville island[not really an island],,check out stanley park or go to lonsdale quay,,or drive out to squamish on the way to whistler mountain,,there is also fort langley,and a bunch of other historic sites to check out,,ohhh ya and the cecil, for rod shops!there is hotrod corner in surrey,or the old car centre in walnut grove,there is hot rods and classics in chilliwack too!!..and if ya go to victoria,ya gotts go down town and check out the legislation building,and the empress hotel..there is a shit load of things to do and see here in vancouver..
[ QUOTE ] i have a hunch that BLUNT BROS. CAFE wouldn't interest you? [/ QUOTE ] Do they have a children's menu?
And if your goin to Victoria,then get in touch with Shiny on here..... a little makeup and a skirt... he'd make a fine tour guide!! He knows places to get in trouble that i've never heard of!!