I'm posting this for my brother, Hillbillythekid. He is looking at bidding on a yblock and trans, but it is in overland park,KS. It ends soon and he's not near a computer yet, but he'll be on here asap to give futher details. So anyone comming from that area for sherman/dennison? or down to the dallas area for any other reason?
Yeah, I'm looking for a "mule"...so any takers? I can promise a bag of goldfish crackers to the first man to get it to me... edit: Ok,ok,ok, beer at Sherman-Denison and gas money too...damn, yall drive a hard bargain...
<font color="green">I'm halfway from KC to DFW. If someone can get it here and then from here to DFW, it can live at my place in between. RASHY </font>
I'm going to be in KC the 3rd week of November. I will be going up on Nov 12, and coming back on Nov 18. I could help out if it can wait that long. JP
We may have decided to go a different route on this thing, but thanks for all the offers. I'll check to make sure.
If you need someone to store it inside til' someone gets up this way. I can go over and pick it up for you and put it in the corner of the garage. Chris
I think Phil has a Yblock(not sure of the condition) and I have and ford-o-matic trany for one.....................
Mark, that's the "other route" I was talking about. It's alot closer than kansas The auction for the motor in Kansas has ended, but I emailed the guy and if the winner is a flake I might still try and get it for the shoebox. So if it comes through I still might have to ask you guys for help, but i'm not holding my breath.
Yeah Mark I had already told him to check with Flt-Blk on it. It's at my house but it's really Tyler's. I would'nt miss it it it left the garage.
Rev, The wife was talking a vacation to Amarillo in the next week or two to eat a steak at the Big Texan. But, with both her and I changing jobs that could be a little tough. But it could be a day trip (?), also I could maybe get it that far for you. Keep me updated if you need me to pick it up. Can I keep the T-5? Just kidding. Chris Nelson Kansas
Not to take over the post but if anyone is coming down to denison for the show I've have a bare t-frame that needs to go to Mcphail in Wellington.
I'll possibly be going to Iowa for a car...but it wont be for a few weeks at the soonest. Let me know if you still need a runner by then.
OK, I just picked it up for ya' and in the corner of the garage. I will try to get you a pix later. Too nice of a day to sit in front of a computer. Chris Nelson Kansas
If you guys still need this delivered, let me know. I'm actually doing my meetup in Overland Park, KS to get my Model A & parts. I'll be meeting Porknbeaner to get some stuff going to Flexicoker as well. I'll be up there Thursday night-Friday morning (11th-12th of Nov)
Here are pix of the motor and tranny for you. gotcha, I will look to see you in two weeks on Thrursday. Pork, I will give you a call this afternoon if you read this. Just wondering who is relaying the parts for you to go south. "gotcha" is stopping by my place a week from this Thursday to pick up the motor. Chris