Here are some pics of my 51' Merc. It's been lowered, has 57 Caddy hubcaps, Merc. spots, skirts and some Smitty's. It's got the stock Merc. flathead. Sort of a mild custom. This is the way I got it last fall from St Louis. I plan to just drive it as is for a while and haul the kids around til I get my Model A done. Ultimately, I want it to have a mild custom style the way it would have looked in the mid to late 50's. I plan to lower it more, shave the door handles, get a different steering wheel, dual exhaust and probably change the grille....just for starters.....
What at beauty! ...yes all of your thoughts on future plans for it will be great. ...and I'd enjoy it as is right now too!
Sexy. I understand the lowering, duals, but why would you want to take out such a sexy distinct grill. And no you can't have my teeth.
Why would you want to do anything to it? Lowering...okay,but that's such a clean Merc!!! I would change anything....Stock Mercs are the BEST!!!
I'm not a huge Merc fan...and I sure don't like red...but here's what I'd do: ABSOLUTELY NOTHIN'...except drive it... It's refreshing to see a stocker in a sea of chopped tops... R-
Well, I'm a huge Merc fan. I bought one when I was 16 and it was in my name for the next 32 years. I'd still have if except for feeling desperate at the same a guy came along and offered way more than I thought it was worth at the time. I will agree that I wouldn't do a thing to the more door except maybe lower it a tad and then enjoy the daylights out of it. Outside of maintenance to keep it in top shape it just doesn't need anything and that gives you more time and money for the real project and a running cruiser to take the little guy out for a cruise and a treat. And you know my reputation, I modify everything I get my hands on. <input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">
Just in case you guys think i'm talking out the side of my mouth! I know mines chopped,mine didn't look like that when slddnmatt found it! If it did,I would have just restored it and found another one to customize. Mine was a LONG way away from being back to stock...
I gotta agree with Bad's great the way it is....a time machine. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE custom mercs....but you need NO apologies with that one - so nice! Do all the little upgrades if you haven't first...dual master cylinder, seat belts and just keep improving the little scuffs and defects it may have now over time....and most importantly - drive it and have fun!
Thanks for the kind words..You know, my list of customizing is what I wanted to do before I got this thing.....I always had this idea of how I wanted an old Merc. The more I drive it though and stare at it in the garage the more I want to keep it like it is. I'm glad to hear you guys think the same!!...I think I just had this thing that if I have a Merc. it needs to be way customized. I have always believed that less is more. I don't believe in changing things just to change em. These cars looked custom right off the assembly line. I do want to lower it a bit more and add dual exhaust for a little more sound. Then I can just roll with it. Will definitely make my life easier....I have been ironing out some of the mechanical issues such as hot start issue, brakes, wiring and adding seatbelts...
Love the Merc!! They don't have to be chopped to be kool. Have fun cruzin and I like your plans with her. Keep us posted. Happy Trails, Mick
Your merc give me something to think. Should i chop mine or not??? A nice stocker like yours make sense and it`s a beauty all around. Keep on cruisin` lost39
Saw this one at billetproof I love the fact the builder could control himself and not change the grill now for the paint ,to each his own .