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Folks Of Interest Gene Winfield Is My Boss...Here's Some Fun Factoids...

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Gene Winfield Rod&Custom, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. Here's Gene a few months ago at the SoCal Open House talking to Gary Meadors...



    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  2. Gene says I'm his new best friend!!! Gene has a picture of himself as an infant in his wallet. We both have the same genetics so I think we are related somehow!!
    I'm going the coffee/ tea route as both grand parents drank alot of both. My Dads side drank alot of Tea and sad coffee would kill you and they lived to 96 and my Moms side drank two pots of coffee a day and lived to 96 also. So I drink both.
    Gene if you read this, I will take you to Bellevue WA and hook you back up with one of your girlfriends!!!

    Gene you are the best and an inspiration to all of us Hotrodders.

    The picture was taken after the painting marathon up in Langley BC where Gene painted BC Johnny's from 12:57 PM and didn't finish till 3:30 in the morning!!! The hardest working man on the Planet!!!

    Last edited: Sep 25, 2009
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  3. Diet is important, but I bet his ability to manage stress is one of the biggest reasons for Gene's youthfulness. That's something I'm trying to learn to do. :) Any pointers, Gene?
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  4. ...doc...
    Joined: Feb 18, 2007
    Posts: 755

    from Houston

    wow, great pic's and stories.
    Mr. Winfield = ruler.
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  5. Who is this Gene guy your all talking about... I know who Julie is... But Gene.. hmmmmmmmmmm...
    All kidding aside.. Gene is one of the nicest guys ever.. He has style and class and is one of the best friends anyone could ask for..
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  6. Ranunculous
    Joined: Nov 30, 2007
    Posts: 2,465


    Yeppers,it should read "LEGEND!"
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  7. Hey gene ! It was a pleasure to have you stay with us for the
    top ten hotrods and customs /gene winfield workshop !
    We have had several requests to do another workshop.
    A 2 day metal fab.hands on course would be great.
    Talk to you soon julie.

    Attached Files:

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  8. And I'd like to add that Gene is truly a class act, one of the most sincere people in the business.

    And Gene, I drink enough coffee for the both of us...ha ha
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  9. Here's Gene after doing the Painting marathon that started the day before . He was at Sikkens Training facility at around 8:00 AM and started painting at 12:57 PM and didn't finish till 3:30 in the morning Saterday, then had to clean up and drive back to Langley for 1 hours sleep before getting up to be the Guest of honor at the big Langley Car show where he stood on his feet for at least 10 hours signing autographs and getting his picture taken by his many fans throughout the hot 90 degree day. Then drive back to Top Ten's open house and dance the night away!!!
    Man what a guy. I'm ready to have him come to Seattle and finish up my car and paint it. I'm sure he could whip it out in about 2 days but the only thing I could offer him is Oatmeal cookies and Milk!!! My wife is a great cook so I'm sure she could whip up Gene's healthy breakfast lunch and dinner. Hey we even have fresh eggs. LOL!!
    I think Gene should run for President!!!! LOL!!

    For those that didn't see this link, this is my 3 days getting to know Gene up front and close!! I will always remember these 3 days as one of my best for the rest of my life!!!!

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  10. THE_DUDE
    Joined: Aug 22, 2009
    Posts: 2,601


    The truth
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  11. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    I knew I was destined for greatness, Im gonna be a Gene Winfield!!
    Don't drink alcohol, don't smoke, never had a cup of coffee/tea (Coffee's horrid stuff, had a sip once UGH!!) dont eat 'sweets' HATE chocolate..
    Well, its a start........

    PS, Its funny. I mention this to people an they look at me like Im from mars, Gene Winfield does it and its the greatest thing since sliced bread!
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2009
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  12. I met him a few years back at the Pate Swap Meet at Texas Motor Speedway. He talked me down to $2.00 on a $3.00 hubcap. Later in the day, I went over to his space and tried the same with him on a '49 Plymouth wagon rear splash apron. He wouldn't budge a penny. He is one heckuva nice guy though.
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  13. fab32
    Joined: May 14, 2002
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    Member Emeritus

    Don't smoke or drink (never have) and hate coffee, just turned 65. YAHOO!!! Look out 80 here I come.
    CRAP, I've got a sweet tooth.........................70 maybe?:eek:

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  14. Slim Pickens
    Joined: Dec 15, 2008
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    Slim Pickens

    Here is Gene, with the coolest shirt, judging @ Syracuse. We had such a great time there with him. I introduced myself before the workshop thursday nite and ran into Gene on sunday. He remembered my girlfriends and my name like we were old friends. So cool.

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  15. Petejoe
    Joined: Nov 27, 2002
    Posts: 12,463

    from Zoar, Ohio

    Met Gene at the Detroit show a few years ago. What a gentleman and a leader in every way.
    God Bless you Gene!
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  16. Gene Winfield Rod&Custom
    Joined: Mar 31, 2009
    Posts: 135

    Gene Winfield Rod&Custom
    from Mojave,Ca

    He does! And he likes vanilla shakes!:D
    You'll have to take a workshop because I'll ruin the punch line...Gene tells it best :D
    I seond this....this event is totally gonna kick-bootie!
    No..not me but, I was there..if it was me you would have seen my pink hair :D I believe that was a daughter of one of Gene's friends:)
    Hi John!!! He did a spectacular job in your car! OMG the car is beautiful! Can I have that last pic of yours for Gene's myspace and facebook page???
    Aw, Rocco is adorable! I will aks Gene about him...I bring my dog Lucy to the shop everyday and she follows Gene around more than she does me! :D
    Can I have a copy of those pics for this myspace page?? I'm trying to do and El Mirage photo album
    This is awesome!
    I completely agree! :)
    He was telling me about you and your band! Said you guys totally rocked!!!!

    Here's the funnist thing....I just got off the phone with Gene because his flight to Texas is delayed and told him that over 3,000 people have looked at this thread since I posted it yestarday and he let out a bit chuckle and said that it's just amazing! I know he had to have a big smile...Isn't that just the best:D When he gets back I will show him all your posts...he's just gonna love this!

    Now, he is having a workshop in Canton TX this weekend. Anyone in the area is encouraged to attend because there are still a few spots open. You can literally just "walk-in"...please call Hatfield Restorations at (866) 635-9699 for the information and costs. It's a great opportunity to meet Gene and have your own stories...:D
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  17. pcterm2
    Joined: Aug 25, 2009
    Posts: 551


    i would love to be able to come to canton and take the class and the man-but my reg job has me working all weekend. i will say this -sir you rock
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  18. Thats too funny!!! I am so glad he is half deaf (The only problem that he has after years of pounding metal). I sucked sooooo bad that night but it was still fun. Gene really did leave an impact in my life !! And I only spent 3 days/nights with him. He never bitches or scowls but I do know two words that make him scowl. Michael Jackson!!!!! LOL!!!Tell Gene I said hi and wish I was working more so I could afford to fly out to his open house. Steve, the class clown.
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  19. OhioRiv
    Joined: Dec 27, 2007
    Posts: 287


    Gene Winfield is the man. Besides being uber-talented, he's totally approachable and friendly, great guy.
    If you haven't picked up his book, get it! It's amazing to look at all that he's accomplished (so far!).

    Julie, tell the joke. You shouldn't have mentioned it if you weren't gonna tell it. C'mon.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 25, 2009
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  20. dmac620
    Joined: Sep 16, 2007
    Posts: 358


    I met Gene last year at Lead East. He is truly a class act. Congrats Gene on all of your success.
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  21. Sanford&Son
    Joined: Oct 13, 2006
    Posts: 734

    from Visalia,Ca

    Gene is a very talented man, always approachable, and I think I can speak for all of us (hope to see him attending carshows everywhere, for a long time!)
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  22. I met Gene when he stopped through Wyotech to the new streetrod building in 2000. Me and a friend were in the middle of chopping my '50 Mercury for a sheet metal fabrication class. Gene walked out in the shop to my car and started telling us all the things we were doing wrong, right in front of a couple of the instructors. Ha ha. I talked to him again three years later Viva Las Vegas and he remembered me and my car, he's a great guy.
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  23. SlowandLow63
    Joined: Sep 18, 2004
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    from Central NJ

    You ain't kiddin! He damn near stole my girlfriend before I was even done shakin his hand 2nd time I met him! He even made me take the pictures!

    Gene is probably the nicest person on the face of the earth. To accomplish what he has accomplished and to continue to do so without missing a beat takes alot of class. He could just sit back and cruise on what he's already done, but he has workshops and spreads his knowledge to others. I only hope to make one of his wokshops soon.

    Thanks Gene!
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  24. Mark in Japan
    Joined: Jun 19, 2007
    Posts: 1,466

    Mark in Japan

    I lived in Japan for 3 years.
    I took a LOT of shit.

    But I had some fantastic experiences, that just dont happen here in Australia.

    At the absolute top of that list (even above the geishas and sushi ;)) was getting to shake Gene Winfield's hand.

    He told me that he spent time based in Yokohama around 51 (?)

    He's just too good to be true, and has been for a long long time!

    Thank you for your friendly disposition....Im honored!

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  25. okiedokie
    Joined: Jul 5, 2005
    Posts: 4,882

    from Ok

    Now meeting Gene is on my bucket list. When will he be in Austin? I'll be there Oct 15-18. Hery Julie. does Gene have a wife? Seems like many of the 80 year olds I know get side tracked from their active life by their wives that want a less active, retirement community lifestyle. I know that happened with my folks. Dad still capeable [sp] at 85 but Mom not, so now they live a comfy life at 90, but it seems like Dad lost a few good years in the garage/yard, etc.
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  26. Tinbasher
    Joined: Feb 13, 2007
    Posts: 274


    Another Magician that also works in Metal. It takes the same kind of thought patterns or is that wave lenghts?

    Thank you for your inspiration.

    John Poole

    The Old Tinbasher
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  27. Mr. Chevrolet
    Joined: Aug 19, 2009
    Posts: 16

    Mr. Chevrolet
    from Canada

    Gene certainly is one of a kind. I called the shop in Mohave before the 2 day session in Surrey B.C. to see where and when Gene would be for his next couple of sessions. I was looking for something closer to Michigan. The guy on the other end of the phone said he wasn't sure and would have the secretary call me back the next day. An hour later the phone rang and who was on the other end......Gene Winfield! It seems today not many have the time or courtesy to return calls, not Gene! I met Gene in Detroit a couple of times and he is a true gentleman. If you don't have his book yet, go get it! Here's a man who is truly living the dream. Making a living out of something he loves. How many can actually say that. My goal is to attend one of Gene's workshops in the near future, hopefully one where he does his custom paint. Here's to one of the nicest guys in hot rodding!
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  28. MarkX
    Joined: Apr 8, 2003
    Posts: 1,232

    from ...TX

    I met him once and its was one of the coolest times Ive had....
  29. Gene Winfield Rod&Custom
    Joined: Mar 31, 2009
    Posts: 135

    Gene Winfield Rod&Custom
    from Mojave,Ca

    He will be in Austin for Mercury Charlie's carshow and then also be doing a workshop. He flys to Austin this Thursday, Oct 1, and flys home that following monday. So, you guys are just missin' each other.....and no he's not married.
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  30. Nads
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
    Posts: 11,869

    from Hypocrisy

    He's no pansy.

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