Hi all. I'm restoring a 36 Chevy 2 door sedan. I have a real nice 250 Chevy from an earlier project (68 nova). To make a long story short. This 250 will be installed in the 36 but with a T 5 chevy 5 speed from a 91 S-10. I would like to retain the slave cylinder clutch system, but may need to do the Z bar manual clutch. I have a bell housing from an early Chevy, but will not bolt up. I should say it will bolt up with modification. My question is what style bellhousing will marry this engine to transmission. You all have been great help in the past. Thanks in advance. Mark
The 194-230-250 Chevy 6 has the same bellhousing pattern as the V8, so just use a V8 bellhousing. Bob
One thing to consider, if you use a bellhousing from a late '50's v8 truck, then you will need to ad a spacer between the tranny and bell, or modify the input shaft and bearing collar on the tranny. All minor mods and a great setup. If you choose to mod the tranny, it's just taking about 1/2" off the pilot bearing tip on the input shaft and the same amout off the front of the collar. r