Does anyone have any noteable websites that focus on hammer forms for sheet metal shaping? It seems that all i can find is adds for how to make planishing hammers and different tools. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Also check out < > and < >
[ QUOTE ] awesome site [/ QUOTE ] Yep, metalmeet is great...another one: Oops, I seee Unkl Ian beat me to it! be sure to spend a lot of time at each site...hidden jewels and all that...What type of part are you trying to make? John
Also, there's a recent video out by Ron Fourner and Ron Covell all about hammerforms. It's quite good and worth the money. It's available from either metalworker's website, or at places like Eastwood. --Matt
I'm pretty sure there is a post in the tech-o-matic section here.I think its about making a filler panel for a bumper.
Here's a thread ---
heres something i was working on...made the form and have been playing with the shape since then...but i got the start from the form...its made from a baord of oak that someone gave me...worked pretty well i thought gotta make clearance for the spindle...or maybe just trim out..but anyways thats not the point...just showing what i made with a hammer form theres 4 pictures zach