i have a 235 with a 3 spd behind it i want to change it out and use this power glide i took out of a 64 chevy that was behind a 327......my buddy told me they wont mate .....the 235 is out of s 53....before i start anything can anyone offer any advice thanks.........................Rube....
Your buddy is right. if you want a PG to go on a 235, suggest you get the cast iron one from a 58-62 car that had the six in it. Bolt on deal then.
You CAN use the later powerglide and it would be a better choice for several good reasons. However you will need an adapter, the same is used for any aluminum case powerglide, or GM/Chev pattern aluminum trans (200/2004R/350/400/700R4). Check Langdon's Stovebolt, they have 235/261 adapters I believe, also Bendtsen's in Minnesota.
p.s. if you do decide to use the cast iron powerglide.........'55 up thru '62 will work........all open drive line.....'52 thru '54 self shift from 1st to 2nd, closed drive line