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Does this sound like a Nigerian Scammer? Very on TOPIC!!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Shag, Nov 11, 2004.

  1. Shag
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
    Posts: 213


    A guy has been writing to me about buying my dragster and his E-Mails are setting off my scam-o-meter! Am I being to cynical? Read these E-mails and give me your thoughts.

    <font color="red">Hello,

    Please get back to me on time if the above mention advert is still for sale by you as am very much intrested of buying it and when you are replying to my e-mail let me know how much you want to let it go and also try and send to me its pictures so,that i can know if its really worth the amount you are willing to let it go.

    I expect your urgent reply </font>

    <font color="blue"> Hi,

    Thanks for your mail,the pics is great but i will like to know how much you are selling this for me so as to know if affordable by me or not.


    <font color="red"> Hi,Shag

    Thanks for your mail,the price is fairly ok but i will like to know if payment by certified cashier check will be ok for the payment,if ok,you are to get back to me with the name you will like to be on the check alongside your address so that payment can be made to you.

    I will like to have your phone number so that we can talk more on

    I left out his name and stuff. So what do you guys think? Am I being too cautious? [​IMG]
  2. Where is he supposedly located?
    Shipping arrangements?
    As long as you can sit on the car and funds until the money really clears the bank......still sounds iffy.
  3. Thirdyfivepickup
    Joined: Nov 5, 2002
    Posts: 6,095


    Danger Will Robinson, Danger!

    Sounds a lot like a scam... crappy English... using "regards" in closing. You can't trust anyone who does that.


    Mike [​IMG]
  4. Slag Kustom
    Joined: May 10, 2004
    Posts: 4,312

    Slag Kustom

    take the check and do not let the car go until all funds have cleared. It is always better to be to safe them get screwed.
  5. Certainly seems wierd and no, you can't be too cautious. Where's he at? Do the phone thing and see what kind of vibe you get. One step at a time.
  6. 40StudeDude
    Joined: Sep 19, 2002
    Posts: 9,561


    Nope, not being overly cautious at all.

    I don't usually get involved in these posts, BUT...obviously the English is crappy but he seems fairly interested...and the back and forth e-mails do not yet suggest a scam...I trust you know where he is from?

    I'd play it out...see where the "buyer" takes you...

    Do you have a P.O.Box, Shag? Get one, let him send all his "certified cashier's checks" there...hold the car or whatever it is you're selling until the "funds" are actually in your account...and tell him upfront it won't ship until.

    If it gets to the point that he's asking for you to return "extra" money after he sends his check...then you'll know it's a scam.

    That's how I would play it...never know, he may be legit.

  7. Crestliner
    Joined: Dec 31, 2002
    Posts: 3,026


    The ones I've had didn't want pictures. They just wanted to send cashiers check for extra and me send them the excess. This guy might be like a lot us, english isn't that great.
  8. willowbilly3
    Joined: Jun 18, 2004
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    from Sturgis

    I was screwing with one of those sellers on ebay. It was like a $100,000 billetmobile 40 Ford, maybe it was a 39, for 16,000. Anyway it shows a stateside location so I email him and say that I am going to be in town and I am interested but want to personally inspect the car. I get a reply that he wants me to send him half right away and the car will be shipped from Poland or someplace via his carrier and I can then decide if I want it and he is registered with ebay fair trade for 20,000. It goes back and forth with me telling him I don't ever commit to anything until I make a personal inspection and he acts all confused and insulted. So I dropped the bomb and told him I was pretty sure he didn't own the car and had never seen it, probably hijacked the pictures and someone elses ebay account. To that he replied in a single word, a huge red BINGO
  9. JimC
    Joined: Dec 13, 2002
    Posts: 2,242

    from W.C.,Mo.

    I am with 40studedude on this one.
    A trick I yuse to spot a scam is to instruct the buyer to send the funds for exact price to the nearest Western Union office to you(in my case it is a supermarket just a block from the house) via Western Union Wire Direct.
    Usually, the scammer will state they do not have acess to Western Union, and you never hear from THAT scammer again.
  10. Why cant our "authorities"-[Who always seem to be able to foil any of our dealingss]-DO ANYTHING ABOUT THESE BASTARDS!?
    they want to get control of the internet for tax purposes why not address this shit?

    You would think as prevelant as these attempts are, that the evidence would fill the senate floor about three feet deep........ [​IMG]
  11. general gow
    Joined: Feb 5, 2003
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    general gow
    Staff Member

  12. Blownolds
    Joined: Mar 31, 2001
    Posts: 2,335

    from So Cal

    It is obvious to me that it is Nigerian scammer. I get these things daily. What they are starting to do, is to keep it short and sweet on the theory that the less verbage they give, the less chances you'll pick up on them. But it's still obvious to me. Don't waste your time with that one unless you want to play games with him.
  13. Shag
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
    Posts: 213


    Thanks guys. I kinda felt the same way. I have the car on E-Bay and don't want to screw up the auction by jacking with this guy. All I know about him is what I have shown you. I might be wrong about him but I don't really want to take a chance and lose a sale to someone else.
  14. BigJim394
    Joined: Jan 21, 2002
    Posts: 767


    I agree with blownolds that it sounds like scam city.

    One thing that people who are selling cars and parts online should look for, is the wording to the first email from a scammer. It seems like some of them are using automated email software to generate the initial emails to sellers. Often you can get a good idea that it is probably a scam because the first email may refer to your car or part as "the item" or "your item" or "your advert" as occured in this thread's emails, (and of course the english could be terrible or have a foreign feel/sound to it). If the seller responds, they will usually go back and see what you were selling, so their next email sounds like they know what they are talking about. On some of the ebay seller discussion boards they post emails from scammers, and some are in perfect english and sound pretty convincing.
  16. 99 44/100th % pure Nigerian Scam Cashiers check style. We have no shortage of them. They aren't subtle about it.

    Please check this site 419eater to see how others are managing this nuisance. Some are scamming the scammers. Check the photo gallery. Priceless.
  17. moondisc
    Joined: Mar 30, 2001
    Posts: 522


    [ QUOTE ]
    Why cant our "authorities"-[Who always seem to be able to foil any of our dealingss]-DO ANYTHING ABOUT THESE BASTARDS!?
    they want to get control of the internet for tax purposes why not address this shit?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Because they're are overseas "or at least claim to be" our government can't touch them.
  18. hatch
    Joined: Nov 20, 2001
    Posts: 3,667

    from house

    I also use Western Union....safest way I've found.
  19. moondisc
    Joined: Mar 30, 2001
    Posts: 522


    [ QUOTE ]
    A guy has been writing to me about buying my dragster and his E-Mails are setting off my scam-o-meter! Am I being to cynical? Read these E-mails and give me your thoughts.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    A friend of mine runs a rod shop.
    He had a project IH truck, like a Divco, with a Grand Am front wheel drive drivetrain in it on eGay.
    Instead of ignoring these obvious scams, he started collecting checks from them.
    He's got a pile of them. All rubber.
    He never let the truck go or sent them back any money.
    If it don't feel right run!
  20. tommy
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
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    Member Emeritus

    I just reply ...sure it's for sale but I won't release the car until any payment has cleared my bank in full. I never get any pen pals that way.
  21. Be careful even after the money is in your account.

    There have been counterfeit cashiers checks that were approved by the sellers bank and a little while down the line when the counterfeit cashiers check was figured out, the money was withdrawn.

    I had a somewhat similar thing happen recently.
    Closed out an IRA, the financial house sent the final check.
    I held it for three weeks then deposited it.
    Two weeks after that they put a stop-pay on it and the credit union yanked the money from my account.
    I didn't know they could do that after that period of time.
    I'm sure the bank wouldn't do it for a private party, but the financial houses &amp; banks take good care of each other.

    Wasn't a big check either, just the last little bit in the account.
    The financial house transposed a couple of numbers which added about $450. in my favor.
    I wonder if they would have stopped payment if the $450. would have been in their favor?

    I still haven't seen the stop pay deduction of $10. that was stuck on my account due to the financial houses screw-up.

    Got a little off the subject there, but not too far off.
    I've seen recommendations from HAMB'rs &amp; RRT'rs to set up a wire transfer account and have the money wired directly from bank to bank.
    That won't happen - as I understand it - unless the sending bank has the money in it's hands.
  22. tomslik
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 2,161


  23. superbell
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
    Posts: 349


    Here is one I got yesterday.
    "Tom by name,I came across your Ford ,which i am interested in,and i am ready to purchase it immediately.But i would like to know the present status and it's cost price so that I can proceed further on this,meanwhile my client will pay you on my behalf, with U.S check, for the shippment I have a reputable shipping agent that will come and pick it up from your place as soon as the payment is sent to you. the pics will be needed to see.
    Thanks hope to read from you ASAP.
    Tom..... "
    Then my mail to him....
    Goodnight to you too!
    By the hair on Uncle Scratchy it good to hear of your interest in my fine truck!
    The status of the truck is good and ready for shipment, I just got it out of the shop and it has a new paint job along with new goibles. The price is well within the NADA price restrictions for this part of the county, I think you will be quite pleased! Please send payment of $5400.00, I will need a 50% deposit to hold it for you. Do you know the shipping agent well? I also have a shipping agent that might serve you well just let me know. If you are ready to proceed just let me know and I will send you more information. Hope the photos are to your buffnick!
    Harry Butt
    Then Mr. Wonderful writes back.. He can't even get my name right..
    "Hello Juan,
    I'm so glad to read from you and I do really appreciated your explanation and am okay with the price of your 1957 Ford truck is $5,400.00,I will ask my business as sociate in the state that is owing me some money that just contact me that want to send me a cashier check of $7,000,To send it to you direct so that you can deduct your money inside and wire the balance to my shipping agent that will come for the pick up with some other goods in state .Pls can I have the Name that will appear on the check,your Address, state, zip code and your phone number that the check will be mail to okay , My shipper will now come to your destination and also to sign all the necessary document that is require to sign...
    Meanwhile my shipper will need this money to make every neccessary arrangement document before they trip for the pick up...And I will like you to send the money to my shiper via W! ! ESTERN UNION after you cash the check in cashing store.Hope this is very clear...I shall be greatful if you can get back immediately and proceed on this transaction immediately.

    Thanks for your co-operation.
    WHAT A JERK>>> I'll play more with him later..

  24. sodbuster
    Joined: Oct 15, 2001
    Posts: 5,057

    from Kansas

    I have had a couple of those scams from ebay. I just let them know the local city attorney's addy and I say to send it to him (aka: suite 100) and I have called and let the local city big guy know that a big check is on the way. Kinda funny they never seem to reply, but I did get a reply today about a set of wheels that I guy sent an extra 10k to cover "Custom's" costs and he wanted to know when I will be shipping the wheels.

    Chris Nelson
  25. Blownolds
    Joined: Mar 31, 2001
    Posts: 2,335

    from So Cal

    I'm thinking of setting up an eBay user account under the name "NigerianScamMeister" and use it just once on ebay. I'd do it on April Fool's day to a buddy of mine. Ebay couldn't do anything at all, if I was a legitimate buyer. LOL
  26. Unkl Ian
    Joined: Mar 29, 2001
    Posts: 13,509

    Unkl Ian

    Shag: Have your new "friend" send the money by Western Union.
    Tell him you don't trust banks anymore.

    After all,Cash IS King. [​IMG]
  27. I am wiht Unkl Ian on this one. You have not been around much what is new in your world. Last time we heard from you was your tales of the first pass down the track in your car and now its for sale. Us HAMBer's need to know.
  28. Shag
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
    Posts: 213


    Well my suspicions were correct I believe. Check out his last letter.

    <font color="red"> Hi,

    Thanks for your mail,i will instruct my Secretary to issued the check to you but mind you he will include shipping fees with it so all you needed to do as soon as you have the check you are to deduct your fees and the rest should be send via westernunion to the shipping company who will be responsible for the shipment of all my goods alongside the one am buying from you.

    I hope the above explanation is understood by you,if that should
    be the case i await your quick response so as to instruct him to issued
    the check to you as soon as possible.

    Regards </font>

    I had written to him and told him it was on E-Bay and had bidders on it then today someone signed up and then used the buy it now. The e-mail addresses didn't match but check out what they wrote me.

    <font color="blue"> i will appreciate that only the business like seller get back to me,and also seller's that accepts this conditions.1.check is my clients mode of payment.2.The buyer will arrange the shipping of the items purchased.3.The payment will only include the payment of the item,the shipping cost and my commission as a Agent.4.This is the way ve been Dealing with all the sellers and they ve been very honest,and business like.5.The seller must be able to cash the payment immediately.So if you agree to this terms of payment then forward ur contact address and valid phone#

    I wrote him back and told him that I would not be playing by his rules and he would have to send me a check for no more than the $6000.00 owed from using the buy it now and it would have to clear with money in my hand then I would tell him where to pick up the car. I told him very politely just in case the sale was legit.

    I am so fucking mad. I am just trying to sell my car, buy another one and go racing. Now I will have to relist it and fight with E-Bay over the fees. What a bunch of shit!!!
  29. lgh1157
    Joined: Sep 15, 2004
    Posts: 1,671


    "for the shippment I have a reputable shipping agent that will come and pick it up from your place as soon as the payment is sent to you".

    Pick it up from your place AS SOON AS THE PAYMENT IS SENT TO YOU

    what the fuck is that ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    if i were a normal person and not a scam artist, i would say "as soon as you recieve the money ", "or as soon as the funds have cleared".

    Even if these dudes aren't scammers, they sound like impatient assholes.
    If im selling a nice old car and the guys a prick, i'd sell to the next dude with a good attitude - yah know, the guy thats gonna keep it in the family and work on it. Not some money maker, illiterate dick.

    I geuss with ebay its unfortunate and hard to know these things.

    Scam for sure


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