Been awhile since I have put one of these up for auction...what we have is a 2 foot by 4 foot banner with the awesome HAMB logo on it...this is perfect to hang up for a HAMB Meet n Greet or in your garage, shop, office or master bedroom. Bid early and bid often and show your appreciation for Ryan and the HAMB and the countless hours of entertainment, inspiration and information that we all get from this awesome cyberspace hangout...all proceeds go to Ryan and the HAMB and when he gives me the thumbs up I'll stick it in the mail or on the brown truck to you...I'll pay for shipping anywhere in the lower 48...all points beyond will be up to you to pick up the shipping...Good Luck! Auction will End on Thursday November 19th at 9 pm Pacific time
Damn didn't mean to kill the thread! Just thought the $ was for a good cause & wanted the banner for the new garage.
Nothing wrong with that! HAMB is a great cause and your garage will be ultra cool with this thing hanging there
Man I thought 200 was a bargain! LOL. Not to worry I never use ebay. Man its tough being a FNG LOL!! I've been a lurker for years just never joined until I had to so I could get hold of a member selling a guitar I wanted.
Wow,I never seen one of these go up like this. I need to find out how to buy one directly or have one made. As I will never be able to get a crack at one at these prices.