[ QUOTE ] DrJ there are some articles on electric power at Mother Earth News online. mots of them are from the 80's but still valid. [/ QUOTE ] Heres some info--but it sure aint traditional! http://www.mrsharkey.com/pusher.htm
zonkola has a cool site which talks about alternate fuels.. very cool stuff. im too lazy to dig up a link, but go to the User List and look under Z... there should be a link to his site under his name. that merc is neat.
I agree that new ideas are pretty cool, but this just seems too... everything that makes an old car an old car. You're taking away the soul in my opinion. Same thing as all the billet junk. When cars start using engines that don't make noise, I'll start riding a bike. BTW, Pat, I'm gonna have to come by sometime and hang out. Sorry I missed the par-tay. Deke
Dats some funny shit boys!! Partey?????you shmuck!! I knew as soon as you and the wife split up that it would be nuttin but Coke n Whors And it shows in that car......WTF?!?!?!? HEY PUTZ BOY!!!pick up a phone!!
This should be a cool/interesting build...keep us updated! I know I would really like to see as much info as possible.
[ QUOTE ] I agree that new ideas are pretty cool, but this just seems too... everything that makes an old car an old car. You're taking away the soul in my opinion. ... Deke [/ QUOTE ] This is Restorer-Speak, (IMO) In the case of this particular car, rust already took away most of whatever it is you're claiming it needs to retain.
imagine the looks he'll get when he pops his hood. I had a buddy convert a Ford Escort to Electric using an electra motor I belevie. He built it for a science fair. The thing that stuck out most about that car was when he turned it on. It didn't make any noise. the only way you could tell it was on was buy the gauges. That little escort could pull anything but wasn't crap for speed.
You're right. I don't really know how to explain it any better than that. I'm no restorer by any means. For lack of anything better, I just don't understand why people need to make an old car seem like a new car. To me, nothing gets more new car than an electic motor. I know it's not the same, but personally, I'd like to keep most electronics away from my car. Sorry if that didn't make any sense. Deke
i just read the entire post and now i feel dirty!!!im gonna go fill the tank in my merc with super,and rip down the street in 1st gear sprayin break clean out the windows,then maybe ill feel better
I just heard back from Jim. Here's a link to his site... http://www.artkarelectrik.com/ It's not for all tastes, and it's not traditional, but the guy's an artist and an engineer so he's working within the realm he knows. I think it's pretty damn cool... and just think of all the beer he'll be able to carry in the decommisioned engine compartment