Just wanted to say thanks for a great site and I look forward to what it has to offer. I will be lurking around with many questions. I work in the Industry with Wizards Products and remain active with My 48 Ford truck. Thanks
Welcome to the dark side Marc. Good luck with not letting this site take up all your free time. So much to read and learn here! And yes, I had the privilege(?) of going to high school with Marc . . . oh the crap we got into . . . and now he's my boss!? Look out! At least I've got dirt on him!
hey ZEBRA...welcome. man what a beautiful paint job. i wouldn't believe it if i hadn't seen it! I LOVE IT, and that's no zebra bull! HA! how do most people react to the truck? i hope you enjoy it here, your new friend. call me POP...or the old FART!
Thanks everyone for the comments, For the record it is all done in stickers, Black is paint and the white is vinyl. I built this truck on a bet with my pops that you couldnt build a cool rod for next to nothing($2500). It had to be bulit in 6 weeks (btt50s 07) and make print. It made the yearbook in 07 to collect the $100 from my dad. It has been a ton of fun. most people freak out when they find out its vinyl, but It is very easy to care for.lol thanks again
Tape off that black, pull off the stickers, squirt it with some white paint and call it a master piece. It's a cool look!