i don't know if this helps with all states but you mite try it. this is the place i got my title from or at lest helped me get my title. there a bonding CO. it took them 3 days to do it and man it was easy it cost me $225.00 but for the time it took it was worth it. any how here is there name and number Lawrence Auto Title Services, INC. PO Box 450 Taylor, TX. 76574 1-800-352-2788 www.lawrenceautotitle.com i talked with Ken i think he owns the place. any how hope this help's all the guys and gal's trying to get Titles
Ya might wanna take a sec and read thru this http://www.streetrodderweb.com/hotnews/0410sr_boyds/index.html
There is also one called Broadway title up in Massachusettes I believe. I was talking to a guy down at Carlisle about it. later plmczy
Try Broadway Tittle Co. They are even cheaper and the service is excellant. $139.00 for pre-1975 cars and $140.00 for PU's. You'll have a Notorized Bill of Sale and a registration for the vehicle within a few weeks. They also have a rush service if you need it. Broadway Title Company Inc. PO Box 130303 Birmingham, Alabama 35213 Tel:800-464-3222 http://www.broadwaytitle.com/index.htm
singledownloop the DMV will a sign you the vin # if you don't have one. in my case i had to have a cop come out and look over the car to make sure it was not stolen or built from other stolen cars. then he gave me the O.K.
This is the way to go. The article TheRev refers too is scary. Hopefully nothing will happen but sure would be a bummer to have to deal with something like that.
Be careful here , I know for a fact that MN does not accept any paper work from these bonding /title company's any more, in fact the honest ones will tell that over the phone ,check w your DMV as to bonding requirements.
In MO you have to have a title, period, an out of state registration isn't acceptable. There's a place in MD I was going to try because they advertise Vintage Titles Buy Sell Trade. But I haven't called them yet. here's their number if someone wants to give 'em a call or knows anything about 'em. 410 257 6522 Shamless SPAM?
Porknbeaner, I have done business with the outfit you refer to. Nice guys, but what you get is a registration card from a state that didn't issue titles.Maryland accepts them to issue a title from but not all states do.Like Mike said, check with Your DMV first!
I bought my title from a place that is in street rodder cost $150.00 and went to transfer it yesterday cost another 30 something now I have a texas 30 roadster title and no one checked it out !!
Fe02 Thanks for the info. That saves ma a phone call. There's a backdoor way to title one here. But if you do it very often they start to check you out. I could actually title the coupe as a T, the average joe won't know the difference.