Last year our 2nd one it rained (we all got wet and cold, but it is for a great cause) so only about 20 cars showed up but lots of people brought toys by anyway, my thanks to all of them. The year before about 50 cars in all were there and it was our first one and not very well advertised ( only 3 weeks notice ) at all mostly a last min. deal. We had found out that the Kids at KMC received a party the week before Christmas, but on Christmas and Christmas eve they got nothing, and the kids in the hospital were mostly kids not at the party they had all gone home. It is really sad when Santa forgets you in the Hospital. So drive your car on out, or just come out and check out the cars there and bring a toy, book, coloring book, or game they can play with in the hospital. It does not have to be an expensive toy just something they can play with in the hospital. Thanks, and have a Great Holiday Season. If you have any questions please call me (numbers on the flier) or one of the other numbers on the flier. Jeff aka Useless
You should change your name to NOT SO USELESS............. I'll be there, and I'll send out a message to the car clubs.
Just a reminder to all the Baktopians the Toy Drive is tomorrow. Come on by bring your car or check out the other cars and drop off a toy. Thanks, Useless