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Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Dino the weirdo, Dec 8, 2009.

  1. Dino the weirdo
    Joined: May 27, 2007
    Posts: 891

    Dino the weirdo

    I see them all over .and so do you ..Various websites selling old Speed Equip.-Drag Strip decals, T-shirts, Signs, Photos. Guys copy each other and put out good ,bad, ugly "copies" ..Then ther'es All the Digital age duplication, scans & photo shop tricks, of basically stealing someones stuff.When something has that C in a circle or R , or just plain IS the original work owned by the First source, How does all this get allowed ?Is a matter of I'll do it til I'm cuaght and If the owner of that shop,track ,association Didn't File a Proper it up foe grabs. Sure hate it when I see someone spend some talented time to create a nice piece.Then Bam..It's ripped off. AND IF the Shop-Track is defunct with owners deceased...does that make it "public domain"? and whats That all about.Seems Videos and the recording indusrtry can't even control it. Case in Point .Just saw a REALY Cool NHRA Charter Club ORIGINAL decal poted in Classifieds. So whats to stop someone from just doing it up in Photo Shop and running them off? It does have a C in circle .obviously for NHRA but do they even care? I design my own stuff and Did "back" then for My Track...It's My art ...I don't mess with other people's stuff,without getting written permission. So I try to do it the right way .
  2. ArtofHotRod
    Joined: Feb 26, 2008
    Posts: 467


    You might want to contact NHRA Legal dept before you $tart $elling bootleg $tuff on your web$ite
  3. coolstuff
    Joined: Oct 14, 2006
    Posts: 3,686

    from Bettendorf

    until the lawyers come after it - but if you start making money at it - that is when the attorneys start to really sit up and take notice.

    I can tell ya as a person who sells Rat Fink merchandise I see people selling knock off stuff all the time - Ilene Roth (who owns the Rat Fink copyright) has asked me on several occasions about certain people doing this - so people like Mooneyes, Clay Smith Cams etc - they are still in operation and do go after people.............

    good luck
  4. Gator
    Joined: Dec 29, 2005
    Posts: 4,016


    The guy that sells all the decals, patches, posters at the NHRA Hot Rod Reunion and Goodguys shows in this area has several iffy pieces, and I know for a fact he's using the 'Rocco and Cheaters' speed shop logo without permission, because I took Sam (who's family started and still owns the shop) over and asked him about it.
  5. denis4x4
    Joined: Apr 23, 2005
    Posts: 4,315

    from Colorado

    When I owned my ad agency, I had an employee that spent at least four hours a week filling out copyright forms and sending them in for ads, packaging, point of purchase materials, photos, catalogs and brochures. I had an attorney do a generic "stop or we'll sue" letter that we'd send out from time to time. Biggest problem was back yard header builders using our client's photos in their catalog sheets. We ended up putting logos over the tubes to slow down the unauthorized use of photos.

    Of course, this was long before photoshop and other digital methods of altering photos.

    I have no tolerance for the sleezeballs that steal someone's creative work. PERIOD!
  6. I have a pal that got cease and desist from STP years ago AND had to pay back royalties. With my business doing sponsor logos, I get permission from the corp and keep it on file. Typically, they have a quick response form that required you to explain what you are doing. For example, I re did the Parnelli Jones 1970 Boss Mustang a few years ago. There are several sponsor logos that needed replacing. We got permission based on the historical reproduction for a single purpose. We did not get permission to manufacture and sell on eBay and we don't. Lots of people do and get away with it but I play by the rules and don't need the headache from USPTO. Face it, you know its wrong to rip off their art, design and copyright. Spend your time doing your own work and restore with paperwork in order
    Dos Centavos
  7. FuelFC
    Joined: Feb 12, 2003
    Posts: 764


    Allow me to submit this for your consideration.

    Copyright © 1995-2008 Atomic Industry: Steal our stuff, we'll kick your teeth in. Terms Of Service. Privacy Policy.

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  8. Dino the weirdo
    Joined: May 27, 2007
    Posts: 891

    Dino the weirdo

    ArtofHotRod....That was a "Hypothetical" question .I have no desire to do it. I sell my own designs but, do have a things on another site from the Licensed vendor. All legit.
  9. a friend of ours actually OWNS all of the rights to Lions Drag Strip related stuff such as logos, the name, etc. he's the only authorized source for lions t-shirts, etc. he also own the rights to a number of other defunct california drag strips and makes a business of selling t-shirts etc.

    before he purchased the rights the bootleg business was already in full swing. how do you stop everyone? especially when its an organization like the NHRA museum???

    you either let it go or go broke trying to make them stop.
  10. 40StudeDude
    Joined: Sep 19, 2002
    Posts: 9,561


    I used to post some of my line drawings on the Friday afternoon art show...I quit when I found someone else had posted one of my illustrations and modified it...even tho it was modified, there was no mistaking it was mine..

    The original artist has a "copyright" since he was the first...a legal copyright requires forms and payment to the this day and age, that doesn't matter anymore who rips off's the old "use it til you get caught" mindset...and it'll never stop.

    Sometime in the past I even had the AMT corporation rip off a graphic design I had on my car, for one of their box models...I had an attorney send them a letter...basically they said "too bad," cuz they knew it'd cost me big bux to pursue...makes no difference who it is, small person or large company, they all do it...!!!

  11. denis4x4
    Joined: Apr 23, 2005
    Posts: 4,315

    from Colorado

    before he purchased the rights the bootleg business was already in full swing. how do you stop everyone? especially when its an organization like the NHRA museum???

    Very simply, I would send in an attorney to buy said bootleg items and get a receipt. Then have the attorney send a letter to AAA, NHRA and the museum director advising them to return the unauthorized items to the vendor within 10 days and provide proof that that was done.

    THEN, I would put out a press release congratulating the museum for their cooperation in stopping the sale of unauthorized Lions Dragstrip products. I would also include a line saying that the true owner of the rights will take any action necessary to protect those rights.

    You'd be surprised as to how many publications would pick up that PR and run with it.
  12. Zombie Hot Rod
    Joined: Oct 22, 2006
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    Zombie Hot Rod
    from New York

    Don't steal, people put a lot of hard work and effort into creating movies, music, art, etc... The only people who steal are those without any talent, people can't do it themselves.

    Do you want to be one of those people?
  13. Dino the weirdo
    Joined: May 27, 2007
    Posts: 891

    Dino the weirdo

    Well..I thank you all...pretty much what I thought.Thanks for the real life examples. Some do it right.. some don't give a S**t. Ebay 'boiler room' operations will never go away, guess thats life. Might be contacting some of you by PM , that are in the business. Hamb resources never fail to amaze me.
  14. Dino the weirdo
    Joined: May 27, 2007
    Posts: 891

    Dino the weirdo
    Member thats a Cool "great Ending" to a story. And Zombie ,nailed It ...Thats why I always look for Quality in Design, production and Materials. The rip-offs will usually be their own worst enemy, once the comparison is made, and "Used By Permission", or" licensed by" is noted.
  15. coolstuff
    Joined: Oct 14, 2006
    Posts: 3,686

    from Bettendorf

    love the Atomic Industry copyright notice!

    I think Alan from Billetproof says something like
    "we'll sick the weasels on ya"

    pretty good stuff
  16. Choptop
    Joined: Jun 19, 2001
    Posts: 3,303


    And by weasels I mean a pack of lawyers that I keep in a kennel here at the Billetproof Command Bunker. Rabid beasts they are. Every now and again I open the cage and throw in a wrongful death suit.. they LOVE those. The hard part is keeping them from suing each other while they are caged up. For practice I take them to the lawyer park and throw some bootlegged Billetproof merchandise down field and let them run after it. Its a fairly majestic sight... briefcases swinging in the breeze, cease and desist orders flying left and right... stunning really.

    if the lawyers fail at their task (they rarely do), I call up Mongo and he pays a friendly visit to the offender and convinces him/her that its no amount of health insurance will save him/her from the Billetproof Death Panel.
  17. Saxon
    Joined: Aug 9, 2008
    Posts: 2,155

    from MN

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but if your looking to protect your general designs and artwork from being stolen, I believe you can jut put a "tm" (trademark) on it and your good. If you got something that you really think is going somewhere then go through the process of copyright.

    Oh yea, people that steal are lame.
  18. 29nash
    Joined: Nov 6, 2008
    Posts: 4,542

    from colorado

    So what was the question? Theft is theft. Ask your Conscience.............
  19. FRITZ
    Joined: Sep 6, 2001
    Posts: 1,209


    This reminds me of the great "Dick Allen" only you chopper heads will know who I am talking about. He came up with fantastic stuff back in the day for choppers but wasn't savvy enough to copyright any of his ideas and big companies like AEE etc. borrowed them forever.
    even if he did copyright the stuff the guy with the most money wins.
    companies will keep you in court till you run out of money, they win
    or the little guy just doesn't have the bucks to get going
    Ed Roth spent a ton of cash protecting ratfink.
  20. Gator
    Joined: Dec 29, 2005
    Posts: 4,016



    A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination of words, phrases, symbols or designs, that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one party from those of others.

    A copyright protects an original artistic or literary work; a patent protects an invention.

    But saying that 'protects' it is like saying locking your house keeps burglars out. If thieves want something it's gone.

    Like Fritz said, it's expensive to fight. You have to hire lawyers, prove damages, etc etc. My daughter's just out of college and has a job as an economic analyst. She compiles data to prove monetary damages for law suits, etc - and they bill $250 an hour for her work.

    When I showed Sam the decal I mentioned above he was like 'what are ya gonna do?' Sure he could tell the guy to stop, but I bet he'd be selling them again at the next show.

    Too many people think just because something's out here on the net it's suddenly public property.

    You were right on about the one thing Saxon, thieves suck.
  21. Dino the weirdo
    Joined: May 27, 2007
    Posts: 891

    Dino the weirdo

    Just for kicks ...I browsed Ebay...Unbelievable whats there. Fritz mentioned Roth...I just happened to put that in their search ...bunch of obvious rip-offs ...sad. My Inspiration in High School.
  22. pinman 39
    Joined: Oct 9, 2008
    Posts: 520

    pinman 39

    I have been in the Pin and T-Shirt business for 25 years and have seen many horror
    stories concerning this very topic.There has been many t shirt companies over the years printing "Nostalgia" stuff .Most of which is not legal.I have been "Shopped "
    many times in large markets by the Copyright police .They are always fun to watch.
    FYI if you produce a manurfactured item in quantity that contains Any automotive
    company logo .If you plan to sell them as a business .You better get it licensed !
    Ford GM and Chrysler all surf the internet Too.Legally your are not even supposed to
    put a design , designed by an Auto company designer on a shirt etc.A Belair emblem
    on a 57 chevy tail fin is a violation if you are making prints.This is a n easy way to make the legal community a lot of money.
  23. eye bone
    Joined: Jul 13, 2005
    Posts: 655

    eye bone

    I stopped posting any where on the internet any new art I have created in the past couple of years. I got sick of dealing with all this ignorance about, don't care as long as I get mine, resentment toward, copy right crap!

    Got to buy food & etc., just like any metal fabricator, or machinist, or plumber. You take a mans art without asking! You're stealing food from his mouth pure & simple!
  24. Dino the weirdo
    Joined: May 27, 2007
    Posts: 891

    Dino the weirdo

    we have this at our website ...
    This entire website is covered by copyright protection. 2009 All rights reserved.That means nothing (content, images or artwork) can be copied or reproduced in any manner without the express written permission of the site owner or property owner.. However , you are free to do so for your personal entertainment and enjoyment and if so, may display for non-commercial purposes.
    It is our intention for creating this site to promote the memories and legacy of Dover Drag Strip.

    ....does anyone ever take this stuff seriously ?

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