Hi oneedge,thanks for the compliment!Progress is a little slow at present as work has picked up.Trying to fit in an hour here and there on the car. Hot Turkey,you're welcome.Picked that tip up years ago when I was stationed in West Germany, had my first U.S. type car,a '76 Ford T5(German version of the Mustang 11).Not a lot of space under the hood with the 302 fitted so they were fitted with the EFL 90. Hi tedley.I'm planning on using the parts I had to cut out just recessed,to keep as much of the original steel as possible.If that doesn't work out though..... Great tip though and you've done a great job of fitting it,looks really neat! Cheers all Mark.
Hello mate.Like I said,unfortunately,can't take credit for the idea.That goes to F.H. Ellis & Co,great idea.They going on your 'Pop'?. Mark
Glad to see you're still plugging away at it Mark. Shoot me an address and I'll get a christmas present sent off to you that'll match your valve covers.
WOW Mark, How did I miss this thread??? Cars lookin good man! Your steering box mount and motor mounts look great. I'm sure the headers will look awesome, too. Are you gonna cut holes at the bottom of the hood for the pipes?
Seeings how Chris was nice enough to bring this back up to the top, have you made anymore progress on the headers?
rc,grimes.Hi Chris.I've PM'd you.Many thanks for the kind gesture.I'll be sure to 'pass it on'. Hi Jay,thanks.Just wish there were more hours in the day! themachine,thanks mate.Although it wont fool many people,I tried to make it look as traditional as possible. Hey Chris!Glad you like it.Yes ,I plan on using the stock hood sides with two small cut-outs on each side for the pipes.Hopefully,I can keep the stock louvres intact. Hi Kramer.No progress yet I'm afraid.Work's picked up recently(can't complain) so I'm busy making gates and railings most of the time. It's frustrating as the car is in the same workshop I work in.Every time I turn around,it's there,staring at me! Thanks all,have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year! Cheers, Mark
Wow Mark, only just found your thread and it's looking good dude, subscribed and looking forward to how the headers and exhaust turn out! Cheers Gotz
grits Glad you liked the 'Goldfish Burial'!LOL Gotzy Cheers Steve,hoping to get back to work on it tomorrow.Glad to see you're still banging away at the Moggy! blackout Thanks for your comments!Much appreciated. Cheers, Mark
Hey mark , great build mate keep at it (ya only got just over 7mths) and so has Nick. you two need to put your foot down
Thanks Bob!After seeing what you've accomplished with your 3 window,I'll definately be keeping an eye out for your roadster! Are you doing a build thread for it? Cheers, Mark.
Great looking little pickup. Keep up the good work and thanks for posting the photos. . . . one question though; what's the proposed bed lenght? Stock? a bit shorter? Just to help the mental picture along. . . . Thanks again.
Thanks mate! I plan on shortening the rear of the bed so that the distance from the centre of the wheel to the front and rear of the bed is the same,if that makes sense! Cheers, Mark
Looking forward to seeing some more as well. By the way, has that bloke Pop hijacked this thread yet, he's seems to have crashed every other UK thread.
This build is too fucking cool man... really digging what your doing with the exhaust, And thanks for the tip on the oil filter, plan on running a 460 (7.5L) in my A and was gonna use a remote mount... maybe not now... I do have a question though, maybe I missed something, but whats to keep that steering box from rotating in those adjustment slots under heavy loads?
Yes Mark,I have also been accused of stealing U.S. tin.LOL Reminds me of my wife's crazy old grandpa.A real character!
Thanks mate,appreciated.The exhaust is on hold at the moment as I'm waiting for parts but I'm pretty pleased with how it's turning out. Regarding the steering box,the back of the dash will eventually get some form of reinforcement which I'll bolt the column drop to.This should stop any tendancy for the box to turn on its mounting.
Thanks.I should get more done from now on,it's just been too cold in the workshop recently. Here's how it sits now.I'm going to get started on the shock/headlamp mounts while I'm waiting for exhaust parts. Cheers, Mark