just wondered what your opinion was regarding the car shows in the northwest.(wa,or,id,mt)thanks for your time.Gregg
Here's my top 3... for what its worth. In June, Traditional Trash... Caldwell, ID In August, The Bash... Woodland, WA In August, HotRodaRama... Tacoma, WA If you watch the HAMB these shows will be tagged as they approach.
RoadSavage tell me about Traditional Trash in Caldwell, ID. I graduated from high school there, but didn't know they had any car shows worth going back for. No contest, Unfinished Nationals is the best show I've ever been to anywhere.
unfinished nationals is great!also if you want to come to canada,the langley cruise in is the largest car show round these parts,the whole town is blocked off for the cars,langley is bout half hour from washington border.i've heard hotrod a rama is great but i've never been yet!
HOT-ROD-A-RAMA is my fav. Unfinished nationals is cool. I also like the Seattle Roadster Show but it's alot of high $$$ cars. Josh
I like the cherry harvest festival car show in the park at The Dalles, Or. It's held in late May/early June and is a regional blow-out.[duh] I like it because most everybody there is either a classmate or a cousin.... I attended Goodguys Puyallup and loved it! The Tie-Rods made a showing and there were great nite drags at S.I.R.
Hot-rod-arama is definitely the premiere show in the Pacific Northwest. Good bands and great hot rods!
what time of year is the unfinished nationals? every place is about an 8 hour drive from here. which is half the fun. thanks for all of the suggestions so far.thanks again gregg
HOTROD-A-RAMA is August 5th and 6th. Should be a monster next summer. Website is being worked on for an update. Still can go to it for pics of the last 3 years.Come on over and join the party.
there is some footage of this years Hotrod-A-Rama on Evel's upcoming, Volume Two, Mad Fabricators dvd 'deffinately looking forward to that one
Hey Steve... Traditional Trash is hosted by Tony Farnetti. He opens his place up once a year for the show. Exit at Sand Hollow. As far as the car count, it's not a huge show. Mostly homebuilt drivers. You won't be disappointed. Tony is a member of The Checs, so lots of Checs show up, and they are all a fun buch. The show is scheduled for Saturday, but the hijinx start Friday night and run thru Sunday. Tony and his family/club supply the beer and food. Seems like an endless supply. Theres no charge for anything, but dont be afraid to flip Tony a 20 dollar bill. You can camp overnight in the yard if you'd like. I stayed at The Li'l Stinker Motel last year... and it was nice enough. There's live music and entertainment. Last 2 years an Elvis impersonator was on hand to perform as well as some rockabilly bands. If you're familiar with the area, you'll probably know about the wrecking yard right down the road. I can't remember the name. It's definately worth checking out, but go on Saturday. They are closed Sunday.