Hi all, I've just bought a pair of belly tanks. They'll be a future project, stored away until I finish my Topolino. Super stoked to have them though! They are left and right matching tanks, and are in Australia, so they may or may not be American. About 100" long (yes, I know they are small), the chassis in the shots is a T Model for scale. Any help on an ID would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Jack
Are you going to build a Twin Tank car? Like Howard Johanson? Engine in one driver in the other. Side by side. Neat car.
Yes they look American. Also simillar to Australian Sea Fury, colour sugests Navy. Are the side brackets original?
I'm not sure if the brackets are original, though they appear to be. Is there any particular way to tell? I may do that. I'm really not sure. A mate suggested that it would be cool to built a chassis that had the driver and engine sitting in the middle between the 2 tanks and blend a body between them... use the tanks to cover the wheels. I'll have plenty of time to think about it - I've got a lot to do on my current project.
Was the sea fury engineered to carry such large tanks? The photos I've seen of them they only have small tanks.