OK, so I have a guilty pleasure of watching Top Gear. Not really a HAMB friendly show, but just good quirky fun, Brit style. Recently I was sidetracked to watching a show that one of the Top Gear hosts is currently doing called Toy Stories. Think Monster Garage with the stuff we played with as kids. Don't ask me how I find these episodes since I do not have cable, but I just finished watching episode 4 where they decided to follow the Brooklands track in its entirety using slot car tracks. This includes the parts through residential neighborhoods and business parks. I know there are slot car fans here, and we all love a good race. So here is a link to the race itself. The first full track length race at Brooklands since 1939... <object width="425" height="344"> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/UwI6RsDPfBU&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></object>
God, this is just awesome when people take the time to do something like this. Its so damn fun, even just to watch! Society is to serious today we need to take some time out and go slot car racing!
We had a slot car place around us for about year when I was prolly 12 or 13 (early 90's, I'm a youngin') and then one day the dude packed up shop to be never heard from again. We were so pissed since we had all bought a ton of slot car gear and had no where to use it. I'd love to put one in my garage.
That was the longest slot car race in distance I've ever seen. Can't imagine how much track that took. I used to race slot cars and build all my own frames and wind my own motors and even did a few Siebring endurance races.I'm surprised that the motors on those cars lasted that long.