Hello from England, I'm Chris Jones and I live in Romsey, Hampshire, UK. I've been into cars since I was a child and into Hot Rods since Custom Car magazine started (March 1970). Being a bit arty, it was the look, the colours and the individuality that got to me - many a night was spent drawing Hot Rods with my felt tip pens! I am a bit mechanically challenged so its taken a while to get a Rod of my own but my Ford Model Y is nearing completion by a fellow Victory Wheelers member. Im a Graphic Designer and Photographer so I have lots of pics from shows and stuff which you can see by going to www.idcreative.biz. Cheers.
Thanks for the welcome Guys. Charlie, my model Y was originally rodded in Scotland by Alan Mearns, ring any bells?
Good day mate from downunder welcome Mark jones www.fat57customs.com will be coming over to UK next year
Chris, Alan lives on the east coast, but, I know him very well. He also built the blue prostreet Dorset with the big "A" on the side, and he now has an almost race 38 Willys. Charlie!!
Hi Mark (dreamshack), yes a small world indeed, no doubt we share mutual friends if you know other rodders in the area. Mark (Fat 57) Nice Buick, hope you have a good time over here in the UK. Charlie, yes I recognise those cars and I've met Alan briefly when he visited friends down this way, hope to have the Y back on the road in 2010, it wont be the colour he painted it though. Thanks for the welcome Roughneck.
I know this is a busy site as Ive been a lurker for a while but never thought I would fail at keeping up with my intro! Thanks onlychevs