I am trying to find a reasonable way to ship some parts to Texas and California one of which is a 56 Nomad front seat. UPS is out of their minds asking over $1000 so I am looking for a cheaper alternative. I already know about Grayhound and thats not an option my life is worth more to me then a trip to Newark new Jersey the location of the nearest Grayhound terminal. Thanks
I have shipped a 59 truck bench seat from TX to NY using FedEx Freight. Others like ABF & Con-way wanted 300. and 560. respectively. FedEx shipped it for 185. If I remember correctly you have to use Class 40 when you ship. Check with them and if that's not the right freight class I can look at the freightbill from that shipment. Hope this helps. Gary.
FedEx, Greyhound Package Express, and Amtrak are the cheapest ways to ship large items. Better hurry, if you're going to use FedEx.... They have a rather substantial rate increase coming on Jan. 1. Good luck.
I've had good luck with dhl but i have heard others that haven't.Dhl saved me $300. over ups and fed ex.
i would try fedx as I think DHL is out of business. At least that is what was said on 60 minutes Sunday night!?
I use Count Time Logistics for all my large parts. Call Neal at 877-889-8472 or at www.counttimelogistics.com
If you split the seat and box it you could try the post office as long as it is under 70 they will ship..Ive noticed they are way cheaper than fedex or ups .Even if it is oversized
I've never used them personally, but I know quite a few people that swear by Forward Air. So much has changed in the last few years in the shipping/transportation industries that it's hard to rely on companies you used to use, not all that long ago. Also do a search for "LTL Shipping Quotes". There are several sites that give real time quotes if you know they freight class and basic size and weight parameters. I've used these on several occasions and it seems like FedEx Freight is always at the bottom (most $) of the list.
Hey thanks for all the info, The best price I got after wasting an entire morning was $219.00 from Yellow Freight,So I asked him why don't he try on his end to see if he can do better and responds with an ultimatum, he says I told you if you can ship it to Texas for $150 we have a deal, well guess what no deal. Hey I've picked up parts and driven them almost the entire length of the state for a guy I never met on here a few years back just to help the guy out, If this guy couldn't take the time out of his busy day to get a quote oh well , I think he is just one of those guys who buys up parts and resells them overseas and someone who really needed it. Thanks again for taking the time to help out with some good info, have a Merry Christmas
try freight center, they are a freight forwarder, they charge me 270.00 to ship a Hemi motor and had it in 2 days www.freightcenter.com
I had a salvage yard in Texas ship and entire 47 chevy quarter and wheelhouse section via the dog...Greyhound.
just shipped a hood 1929 ford model A hood and hood side to tx cost me $31.12 with 5 bucks for 250.00 insurance ..threw the regular mail 6 days ground
Look at R & L Carriers. I shipped 1,274 pounds of books (1 pallet) from Kansas to Southern California for about $350.00. Tom
So you are the seller? I always say "buyer arranges transportation" on odd-ball size/weight packages. Too many variables and it's not as simple as just dropping it off at the UPS store. I guess the guy didn't want it very bad.
Nope guess not hey if it were for a real car guy who needed/wanted it for his ride I would have dragged it out of the garage and thrown it in my truck and met the guy or set up some sort of relay like the one I helped out with a few years back. Good point about having the buyer arrange shipping, never thought about it. I'm not in it for the money just getting rid of stuff I don't want so I can buy the stuff I do want simple as that. Time to get back working on the Nomad as I had too many interruptions of late. What do doctors know about working on cars anyway........lol
I've used Greyhound in the past, but my recommendation would be to set up an account with Unishippers, www.unishippers.com or 800-383-0096. We ship a lot of carbon fiber body parts and even whole bodies, and they are the cheapest and have done a good job for us.
Go to: http://www.freightbusiness.com/index.shtml You can do a demo and then sign up. Newark to LA 150# $159 The freight class for the seat is 125 the nmfc code is 191600 The $159 includes liftgates on both sides and a residential delivery. If you bring it to the freight terminal the charges will be less. Box it in corrugated and make sure the item has a pallet long enough to protect it. If you dont use a pallet the item WILL BE TRASHED. Nick
I use uship.com quite a bit and I think its the only way to go if time is not critical. Awesome rates.
Shameless self promotion I usually only transport running & rolling vehicles, but I do have room on occasion to haul parts I have been out on the road SOLID since September You can check out my latest available route here: @ http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=265570&highlight=transport Jim