got a while here in GA, USA- But I'm at the hospital with the wife getting a baby out so we are rooting for the tax break but would love a new year baby. she will always have a rocking birthday.
Happy New Year across the pond!!! Hey Polecat---Hold off for a few more hours and get that New Year Baby---Congratulations!!
Happy New Years to everyone. Besure to eat blackeyed peas and ham for good luck . Happy motoring in the coming year.
Forgot you guys down there cant wait for the rests of us. Happy New Year! Shout out to AutoBilly, Kurtis and oz40. Spot On! Slim
Yes many parts of the world has celebrated the new year, the down under, as well, We're gearing up here in the U.S. of A! Happy New Year Everyone, here's a toast to a Great 2010 for ALL! Be Safe tonight if your out and about! We'll celebrate right here in our own little home!
Happy new year to you guys,We still have many hours here to go,Im not celebrating this year,My car and I are spending quality sanding time tonight.....
Whoa sore head this morning the new of bottle of bourbon from last night looks very empty this morning
15 minutes to go here and Happy New Year to everybody, have a GOOD 'un! Nick. Its been and gone now so its 2010, where did the 10 years go?
7.51pm here in Ohio ,almost here 4hrs 9min of 2009 left. Happy New Year back to you,shortly !!!!!!!! May all your babies be born naked in 2010