Hi from Minnesota, it's 5 below and I'm waiting for the clock to strike midnight. Family got together tonight and my niece helped me set up my Avatar. ( Thanks Amber ) Picture is of my grandmother in my first pre- 48' hotrod. If you ever attended a rod run in Hutchinson in the late 70's you may remember it, we used it for the Rod Pull and it did quite well in the stop on a dime contest. Still digging old cars, have been watching HAMB for quite some time and love the updates/pictures from different events. Thanks to everyone that posts pictures ! I know it's important to introduce oneself before doing any other posts, so I'm hoping this is it.
Kurt, Welcome from the Twin Cities! We were 2 above this morning, looking to go well below zero tonight! Tim
Thanks for the welcome Tim. My name is actually Ken, but I have an old car that Kurt used to own so I always hear " Is that Kurt's old car ? " BasicBob thought it would be a good HAMB name so it stuck.