i was just given a set of these for my nova wagon- they don't look like the radirs i ahave seen- anybody know what they are?
Those are junk Fenton's see earlier post about them, Send me a P.M. and I'll give you scrap price for them! Just kidding those are bitchin' Good luck finding out what they are. Terpu
[ QUOTE ] Those are junk Fenton's see earlier post about them, Send me a P.M. and I'll give you scrap price for them! Just kidding those are bitchin' Good luck finding out what they are. Terpu [/ QUOTE ] Are those the Fentons that came out around 64?
One name for them was Indy 500 and maybe just plain Indy wheels. The mold was sold to about three different makers and the name changed with each maker. There are subtle differences in each. This one has the valve stem in the polished part of the wheel. Some have it in the cast flat area between the spokes. The center cap was a spun aluminum bullet. There is a guy in the Pittsburg area that reproduces the cap. I've got several. They are pretty rare and it's hard to find a complete set. Obviously I like them because they are different.
similar look but the Hurst wheels were three piece wheels. The chrome ring out side of the spokes was a snap on trim ring just like a Corvette Rally wheel. Hurst wheels
This one is called a "Speedo" wheel. They were on that gold flaked A tudoor with the nailhead at Hotrodarama. The owner said Speedo used to advertise in Hot Rod Mag in the 60's Paul
What year magazine is that? The guy that repro'ed the center bullets could rattle off the 3 different manufacturers, their dates and their locations.
I scaned that off for my buddy when he got his, I couldnt tell you what year it was,...I`m thinking mid to late 60`s. I`d dig the magazine out but I dont remember which one it was in and I`ve got maybe 2 or 3,000 mags!
That wheel doesn't suck... but somehow I don't remember them. Was it late 60s (during the beginning of the psycodellic fog decade) Ass Dragger, what's the date on that magazine? Also how well are they made, do they have SEMA or NHRA race acceptible stickers on them? I think the redline tires look great on them and gold letter Goodyear Indy Eagles would be perfect too.
Nice rim's. I scored one Drag-Mag with the hollow spoke's and a redline tire, couple year's back-$10.00. Anyone have these wheel's?
Drag-Mag, not dragmaster (CRS) seemed to be real well built wheels, mid to late 60's, thats why I don't remember!!!!....OLDBEET
I think, for me, "The Fog" started sometime around '64 and ended October 15th 1984. Of course, I can remember the day the fog ended...
They're Indy 500 check out the ad, Cragar also made a similar design but they would definately be marked Cragar in the drop well.
We've seen several magazine ads for these wheels posted, anyone care to divulge the DATE on those magazines, so we can better place the era of the style?
[ QUOTE ] We've seen several magazine ads for these wheels posted, anyone care to divulge the DATE on those magazines, so we can better place the era of the style? [/ QUOTE ] I made that copy a year or two ago for a friend, I really couldnt tell you what mag I got it out of or what year the rag was....sorry. I`m thinking it was mid to late 60`s....just a guess.
Man! AKH wheels is expensive. I just inquired. They do have a choice assortment.You got a set for free? Nice! The way used stuff is going maybe it's time to manufacture some new cool stuff. (as if that were possible)
Your wheels where done by Foresight Ventures, Oakland Calif. The model is Indy 500 because there is no opening at the outer end of spoke. The wheel with the opening is called Drag-Mag. Also there was a wheel they made called Flag. The center caps are Bullet shaped, lug nuts are Acorn top type. The catalogs I have show 15x6 & 14x6 but I own a pair of 14x7's These are the only sizes I have come across in over 30 years of playing with old mag wheels. You can Email me direct at terry.vaughan@verizon.net I have a day job and a full service wheel shop that I run at nite & weekends. Terry