Hey all, my wife and I were reminiscing about last years HAMB blowout and would like to offer up our place to do it again. Same type of deal, well make sure there are some main courses to go around and mixers, everyone else bring a little something to share and BYOB. Im thinking we stick with the first weekend after New Years so that we can get away with calling it the 2nd Annual San Diego HAMB Party. So barring any major scheduling conflicts, lets start with January 8th at 1PM until whenever. If this doesnt work, lets hear some alternate dates, but if we push it too far out, we start to conflict with the Ranch Run, the Big 3, etc . Once we all agree on a date, Ill put up a separate post with directions, etc. Just in case you forgot about what a good time last year was or you missed it, heres a link covering the aftermath. Hope yall can make it! http://www.jalopyjournal.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=UBB1&Number=260501&fpart=&PHPSESSID=
gregg, i'm definitely in - i want to see what everyone's been up to... esp. your ford and charlie's mercury. just say when. ...and i'm happy to contribute whatever is needed to get the party going. note to hambers in the area, get over to gregg's house - he's got a great place, GREAT food, and is an all around excellent host. ok, i'm done kissing ass. -- raaf
i'd love to come down there if OC HAMBers are welcome. hopefully my car will be done. if there's anything i can bring like food or soda or whatever, i'd be happy to help out.
Brandon I'm going to pick on you ( , not really) This deal is open to ALL HAMB members, no need to ask permission to attend. We'll get list of what to bring as we get closer to the shindig, Okay? Okay.....
I'll be there I had a great time last year it was a great way to start the new year. ( Also I have a rough sketch I'll email you tomorrow of your Shoe Box.). KK
Sounds like January 8 will work! I'll put up a post the day after Christmas with directtions and to start getting a head count. In the meantime I'll start hunting those 5.00 turkeys. Might even get a smoker going and smoke a bird or two, we'll see. Any way you slice it, we'll have plenty of vittles and libations to go around....
I think Mona bagged a couple of those $5 birds...I have a killer Pollo Loco style marinade and a smoker. Also have a deep fat fryer setup that works great on turkeys (and it's fast!). Sounds like it's going to be another good time!
gee if you need a smoker my father-inlaw has one.it will only hold one bird.he smoked on last week,man was it tasty. let me know. jason
Jason I like that you have been here for one year , and made 35 posts . now thats restraint . . . I will try to drag amy out there on the chopper , if you don't mind my noisy ass motorbike cluttering up your lawn
Awesome...I'm somewhat of a newbie here, but I'm from SD originally, and am down there all the time. I'd love to attend.
my car will still be down.......Maybee I can get someone else to drive.... hmmmm Anyone get an extra seat headin down from OC? FONZI
[ QUOTE ] my car will still be down.......Maybee I can get someone else to drive.... hmmmm Anyone get an extra seat headin down from OC? FONZI [/ QUOTE ] Where the hell has OGNC been lately? He's from the Cajon Zone originally and usually makes it down to Dago for anything that involves food...
=Mike= - You can have the courtyard for that fine steed! It would make quite the conversation piece on the way in. Fonzi, you got to make it -- there will be plenty of folks headin' south, so I'm sure getting a ride won't be so hard. I spent some time with Donnie Baird today and he's thinking of making the trek. Looks like some surprises are brewing, I'll keep you all updated come 12-26!
Jason, I'll keep you posted on what we may need. I'll have a better idea of the logistics in the next couple of weeks.