Anyone have any experience, or know someone whose installed a 700-R behind a 401/425 Nailhead? My bro and I are starting to get his Rivy going and the powerglide is S#!t, so instead of sinking any dough in it we're thinking about a conversion. KK
that ain't no powerglide thar son! that's the first year of the 400 style turbo tranny, super turbine or somethin, i can't remember, it's late. it's a 3 speed that you can't MANUALLY shift into first gear(beginning in 65 you can), that also has a switch pitch torque converter. is the reason you want a 700r4 fuel economy? if so, go for it i guess, it's been done, adaptors are available, not sure where, haven't done it myself, but if mileage isn't the main reason you want to do it, then i would stick with a 400 type tranny, good n strong behind the nailhead, and you'll be way money ahead giving the stock tranny a performance rebuild with an even higher stall on the high side of the converter, and you'll really bring out the power of that nailhead with the higher stall speed. my high stall is 3000 i think, and i'm always greazin the tires on my riv by accident with an internally stock nailhead, only ignition, carb and slightly better exhaust. goes better than any car this size has a right to, but don't even ask about mileage. Not cheap, but I've heard their quality is very good. But it makes for an expensive transmission. The 63 Riv had a 2 speed dynaflow, are you sure this car isn't a 63? The 64 had a 3spd st400, which was basically a turbo 400. I had this guy build a modified 65 version of this same trans for my 65 riv - It came with a modified governor so it shifted at higher rpms (stock they shifted at like 4500, and the motor actually made power to 5 grand, so I had mine set to shift a little closer. Had a really nice shift kit in it too. It was a really nice transmission, and it was shipped & palated to my home for 2 hundred more than the adapter costs.
Talk to our resident transmission GURu, Shifts. He may just know what you need to acomplish your goal. I have installed one of his 700R4's in my 47 Ford Coupe. It came with all the extra parts I needed. In just a few weeks, we will see how that badboy performs.
The St-400 was the first year for the 400 series trannies. They modified the valve body so they wouldn't have to retool the shifter(Not sure why they didn't just retool the shifter). If you shift into low above 15mph(More or less) you are in second, below 15mph you are in first. It just takes a little getting used to. As far as the swap, I'm working on the shifter mods to put a 4L80 in my 64. Keep in touch if you decide to swap.
Word of warning if you put a 700r4 in there. Beef up everything in the tranny. The Nailhead's torque will tear that thing a new one if you get into more than a couple times... Also check for clearence as the 700r4 is longer and the adapter will add another couple of inches to it..
All I know is that the car has a 2 speed trans in it. Is it possible that the car is a very early '64. If it was a 3 speed turbo 400 we'd just fix'er. KK
Are you saying that the shift indicator says it's a 2 speed, but it's really a 3 speed? Because it's marked low and drive. KK
I belive my -64 only reads low and drive, and its a st400 3 speed! I´ve heard that its a good tranny, but some parts are -64 only so they can be a little harder to get, or a little pricier(sp?), dont know wich parts tough, never had a problem with it!
I believe that all teh dynaflows had a bellhousing that unbolted from the rest of the tranny while the ST/SP 400 had an integral bellhousing. Should be the easiest fastest way to tell.
Listen to repoguy and zman and myself (a little). We all love our Buicks and have done some research. And DEFINATELY talk to shifts, and crosley too. They are transmission gurus. Dynaflows have a removable bellhousing, not to mention that the main housing is cast iron and heavier than all get out. ST400's have all aluminum housing and the bellhousing isn't removable. I have an empty ST400 case sitting in my garage if you need it. The guts outta any TH400 will go right in it.
Also, Jim Burek @ PAE didn't need a core to rebuild when I dealt with him. He had the tranny in stock & sent it right out. I would go that direction if I were you. Zman raised an excellent point about the nailhead's torque. The 700r4 isn't exactly known for being a bulletproof tranny, and between the adaptor, buying the actual tranny, and modding it, you're going to have twice as much bread into the 700r4, and it probably STILL won't last as long as the 400.
[ QUOTE ] Is there a way to tell for sure? Oil pan identify? KK [/ QUOTE ] Yes, the T-400 pan is sorta kinda shaped like the state of TX. I think the dynaslow is just rectangular, but not real sure. If your car is a real 64 and has the original trans, it IS a 3 speed, but only has D and L indicated on the shift lever. If you get the car running, you can drive and feel there are two upshifts, indicating it has three speeds.
If it's a's a three speed. Just has L & D on the shifter. Like I said....L is 2nd above 15 mph and 1st below 15 mph (Approximately)