OK so I've been hanging out for a while and figured I'd make an intro.I'm in the Annapolis Md area and have been lurking around the site for some time.Been to a few of the shows in my area like the hotrod hoedown the greaseball even when it the rumble in the alley and the jalopy showdown.Looking forward to going to a lot more.I've met a few really good people in my area that are HAMBers and just figured I'd jump on in. Oh and iI guess I should include a couple of blurry pics.
From one stranger to another welcome. There is a lot of nice iron from your area although it may be better known for the Yachts. Good luck on the projects.
Hey Spanky welcome to the board and nice rides! It was cool to meet ya at Curt's Cookout. Good luck gettin' that 4-dr chopped. Please post some pics when ya start hackin' on that thing.
hey that ford looks killer chopped. Ride height looks great also. do ya know Travis Pastrona? just kidding jeff