hello, I'm looking for the rules / regulations of the "hamb drags" if one exists. I amin France and we have a french drag championship. The problem is that hot rods are not allowed to run because of the french drag rules. I would like to make a hot rod class with its own rules, and would like too, to be inspired by the Hamb one. Do you know where I can find it or if someone could give it to me. thanks
why do I live in france....? Are you sure there are no rules for the car modifications, security, etc...?
Go here to see the HA/GR rules.....as far as Hot Rods, I believe it's run what ya brung. http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=299965
Rules? Rules? We don't need no stinking Rules!!! But on the serious side. In San Diego we have a twice a year "Antique Drags" The Rules are basically as follows: 1. Seat belts 2. Helmet 3. Battery secured properly 4. Throttle return springs for each carb 5. Vented gas tanks 6. Just overall safety 7. Anything under 6.5 sec (1/8th mile) has to have a roll bar
Don't the Brits have nostalgia racing? Take a cruise through the chunnel and check out their fun. Good luck with it. It's a blast.
Where abouts in France? I used to live in Dunzwieler, Germany; ran over into Metz about every other weekend.