Ivan is a vintage racer and your wish was his intentions when he bought. Don't know about that now. I would like to see it Cadillac powered once again OR straight eight powered.
Not to piss anybody off. I sure agree with a BUNCH of guys here: It is COOL to see some of the early setups, BEFORE Ford flatties really took over for a while, then SBCs, etc. Hotrodding was ALWAYS a COOL sport. It is just keen to see all the things guys tried (OFTEN winning, too!) with engines that were not necessarily common OR cheap.
here are pix of my '28 essex, super six. S-10 rear end, Heidts front, Buick V-6 Turbo. Working on the wood top. fenders are done, doors are done, still working on the body. Dan dlmarx@bellsouth.net
Here is the body. Gas tank will set in a steamer trunk on the back. Frame has been extended 7.5 inches. dan
I am about to get started on my 32 terraplane rumble seat roadster, The body was fairly straight, a few holes in the floor and some minor dings by the rumble seat. The fenders were there but are fairly banged up so I was going to build it fenderless. I am also missing the original grill and someone stole the doors. I was going to attatch some phics but I have no Idea how Rob
Perley;You 'ol dog! haven't heard from you in a while.Hows the Essex coming along ?I finally managed to get the twin carbies installed this year;the old boiler runs pretty damn nice now. Drop a line when you can spare a moment.
Once got a 36 Terraplane 2door sedan for free, complete except for engine/trans, and traded for a 27 Essex 2-door sedan frame and all sheet metal. Sold 'em both before much else happened.
So here are some photos of my Essex Terraplane the body is screwed down to 2x6's to keep it square. The body was pretty straight, a few small dents on the back underneath the rumbleseat, and someone has stolen the doors
Hadnt seen this thread before. Ive a social group, called Hudsons of the twenties. See avatar under my user avatar. My 29 Hudson was built as a rr, and i brought it from the builder, and gave it a hot rod make over. I got it, because it sT right, and i knew i could turn it from the pig that it was, into something cool. I have a makeover thread on the Gold Chainers CC social group, if anyone wants to see what i did. Dont know how to provide a link from my phone, but its easy to find.