Well, that's what my Kentucky buddies call it when the come out and see me! (They all talk funny ?!?!?!) My names Kevin, and I figure I have lurked long enough! I am putting together the pieces I need to build an RPU capable of pulling a teardrop trailer I recently completed. The body is what "used to be" a '27 Hudson. I have a 31 Chev rad, a 40 Ford front axle, T-5 trans, I've got a flathead laying around (still undecided if this is the project for that) the list goes on. I have gotten a ton of ideas from the HAMB, and a tomn more from the Leadsled Spectacular in Salina last summer. Now I just need to start piecing things together! Later, Kevin
Add a welcome from Grant. Post photos and words about your build. Nice to hear someone doing something a bit different.
Welcome from The Hole In The Wall Gang, Osborne KS. Check out our "old time ' rod run Sept. 10-11. See ya at Salina!!!