The panel says MerCruiser Marine.I've been searching google images and can't find a matching logo. The back of the tach is stamped AC made in the USA. The temp gauge has an ink stamp on the back of a douled circle with a SW 226 inside,and in small font at the top of the face has K.C. 34629. The oil pressure has the same, but with a SW 212( I think, the last digit is smuged), and K.C. 34627 on the face. The amp guage is constructed just like the other two, but the only marking on the back is an ink stamp with 359BX, and K.C. 34631 on the face. The oil and temp gauges are also stamped 12 volt. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
Hey Try sceam and fly web site. you can join for free and post. Good luck
Not sure what you want to know about it, the temp, oil and amp gauges are stewart warner gauges. gauges are all electrical, tac made by AC, oil and temp gauges all need matching senders. And the obvious "it came out of a boat" and its listed on craigs list
I guess what I wanted to know was if they are really stewart warner gauges, or that was just wishfull thinking on my part. Thanks for confirming.