I need your opinnion on this intake setup. I'm looking for a tunnel ram setup for my chevy II gasser. and i saw this for sale here's the ad. I would like to know what you think? or should i just buy new from jegs for 1200? edelbrock sbc tunnel ram with 2 holley carbs both airfilters and hardware, dual fuel rail,throtle linkage,very good shape it is the old school tunnel with the oil filler in the front of the intake and not through the valve cover asking $550OBO
I carried around a tunnel ram like that to a few swap meets, ended up trading it for a 283 block just cause I was sick of looking at it. Was only asking $250 for it, no carbs though Sorry just realized it's $500, it looks like $5500. $550 is a good deal, carbs alone are $450 each new
Best thing would be to email the guy who has it for sale, he would know better than me. I wouldn't run anything bigger than 500 cfm carbs, and a whole lot of camshaft.
That is a good price-provide us the list numbers off the carbs (list 1850 600cfm, 3310 780 cfm, etc), we can tell you what size they are. Love your barn, by the way.
thanks the barn is full of our rides. and i haven't looked at it in person yet cuz the guy only has his email and not his number so i'm waiting on him!!!
Judging by the pics, those are the 450cfm Mechanical secondary holleys that they recommend for tunnel rams.
looks like a good deal to me.even if the carbs are too big you should be able to sell them for atleast a coulpe hundrad dollars.i have seen the intakes bare go from 200 400 them selfs.let alone the linkage and carbs.i always wanted to run a dual quad set up but i have trouble getting one to work right let alone 2.
looks can be deceiving. I bought one similar to this at a swap meet priced the exact same as yours. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Mine, after I put it onto my Plymouth, had a MASSIVE vacuum leak. Did I mention it was MASSIVE? lol At that point I went out and bought an Edelbrock intake and put a 650 Holley double pumper on it. I would be weary If I were you.
looks like a good deal. I assume you have a larger enough engine to handle this setup? Like in the 400 or larger cid range?
Looks like a street tunnellram, the carbs sit on an angle so on a stock engine they'd be level. If they'd be used in your gasser, the engine level? A pair of 660's would be about right for that setup.
Sounds like a good deal to me. You can find better if yoiu look but those parts look to be in fairly good shape.
Definitely a good deal, even if the carbs are not what you need you can always trade around to get what you do.
JAY...It look's to me like that setup has never been on an engine. realy look closely, i honestly believe you have found a good deal. but 1 never know's untell it's with you. anytime you buy ONLINE there's a gamble...POP.
It has definitely been used ,,look at the parting line between the top and bottom,,,a little stain there. Also,,the thermostat mount has a stain around it. I am not running it down,,just pointing out the areas where it shows use. If it is what you want,,it is definitely worth the money. I say go for it! But,,you can always see if he will take 500,,,,he did say OBO. Good luck. Tommy
Those are not mechanical secondary carbs. If you look they have a vacum pod on them. I'd guess they are 600's. That's not really a screaming deal on that set-up.
i just talked to the guy and it was taken off a vette two years ago and then stored in his house. he thinks the carbs are 500's but he is not too sure. I am planning on putting it on a cammed 350. this is just a street car as i just want it for the look not the power so i hope it is fine.
This is interesting.. i just put in a one piece tube motor mount in and leveled the engine. Will this be a float problem now with the intake being angled?