with one swoop of a mouse someome took a kick ass chopped four door and made it just another fucked up hardtop conversion that will never have any side glass and plexiglass windows. someone call Ol' Skool. whatever else is done to this car it would take 5 times the work and dedication to a quality build to put a little side glass in this hardtop. oh.... the original version is totally bad ass. good stuff, nice proportions.
All that work on the chop, they coulda just made it a two-door (SOOOOOOO MUUUUUUUUCCCHHHH COOOOOOOLER!!! 4-DRS ARE GAYEEEE!, BAGS ARE GAYEE!!!!)
it's two thousand fucking nine. all old cars are cool now. 2 door, 4 door, hardtop, post cars, wagons. you name it. pre 65ish anything is a cool old car worth putting a little work into.
Man the is a nice shoe box 4 door or not. I really like the proportions. Probably the nicest on a 4 door I've seen
i have to say, not a big more door fan, but wow they do look good! i may have to change the way i think about more door cars. nice job!
You know, when I bought my 53 merc 4 door I caught all kinds of hell for driving it. I was explaining to an asshole at a show that I bought a 4 door because it was for sale and I like the lines of it when one of my burlesque girls (I used to host for a troupe) walked over looked him dead in the eye and said "Yeah, and it's really hard to get laid in the back of a 2 door." grabbed me by the shirt and threw the back door open. He walked off disgusted. I personally just think I've got my priorities in order. That chop does look incredible. I'd love to hear more about the kid that did it.
that cars o l.a. craigslist for 18,500.............. bad ass ride who cares 4 door or 2 as long as its cool ....
Just realized that im in the original pic that started this thread. Thats me in the light straw fedora standing with the girl in the orangish tropical dress right in front of the car. Pics from the 2009 Viva car show, if that wasn't already covered. That car looks great in person, I hardly even remembered that it was a four door. I'll have to go and check our pics from the show and see if we have any other angles.
Yeah here is another couple pics of my fordor. I have a thread where I am posting my progress here: http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=442192
That is exactly the the vision of how I would chop mine...you have the right idea extending the roof. Looks good!
Hello, here are some pics of my 4 door, before and after, I'll post some more resent pics tomorrow and I know my car looks a mess in the last pic but it had rained the day before. So what do ya think?
this is my car and i did all the work on it this was the first show i took it to and this is what it looks like now, but it wont look like this for vagas this year [/QUOTE]
Two thumbs up for the new taillight treatment. I hope (as I see the holes are still in the doors) that you´ll be keeping the chrome trims on the side of the car. I always think that really helps to make a shoebox look longer and lower. Now add the 55 Chevy dip to the back door - I dare you!
Looking good grey goose, and I do like the tail light treatment, I do prefer the stock 51. Great looking ride, good work. Please, keep us posted, especially pictures. We love pictures. Jack
I always like to see a 4 door sled, hardly anybody has one. Bo Huff did a sweet one for Geno at Ol' Skool Rods. I think it's called the Dixie Delux.