There's a Mike Bishop feature about a Creative Concepts-built '37 in the new American Rodder. The car is not to my taste (although the craftsmanship is certainly superb), but it's great to see Mike's byline in print again. I hope this is just the first of many!
You guys got Jan issue already???? It's still only October !!!! I'm lucky to get this months R&C or Street Rodder let alone 2 months in advance !!! sheesh......
I agree on the car and Mike. I wish they'd used that talent on something I would have liked more, but it's good to see Mike back. As far as getting the magazine two months early, it's just the long-accepted publishing weirdness of dating each issue about two months after the actual date it hits the newsstands. I've always figured it was so when the dim-bulbs picked up last month's issue at the drug store, they'd still buy it because they thought it was "next month's".
The '37 doesn't show up on my personal radar either, but it's immensely clever and beautifully wrought. Glad the issue is out; that means I can expect a check soon. I'm working on a feature about a scratch-built phantom Willys wagon that CC built for the same client. I lived with that project, from concept to mockup and fabrication, etc., including a banzai run to Wood N Carr in SoCal over the New Years holiday for the final installation of the finished wood on the finished metal.
Mike, are they selling a Woodie kit for Willys sedans yet? A local Willys collector/chicken farmer here wants to build one out of his '40 sedan. Dave