Is Grundy an Alliance Vendor?? I looked through there but dont see them listed!!! I called them and just got a voice mail for the guy that takes care of this area. I need to put a couple cars on the road and would like to use them. One is done. The other is a project.
Becky from Grundy insurance HAMB name was on here the last time their name came up. After I saw the presence of a Grundy person on here, I went with them, no problems, pretty easy, they even e-mailed me Proof of Insurance before the actual Policy Start date, so I could keep my appointment with the CA DMV to get the Model T registered.
i had a accident with my car in the garage. (it was stupid). i have grundy and they very helpfull. got paid for the repair quickly.
I wish that we would have a rep right here on the HAMB that we could contact directly. This is getting very frustrating.
Chill out Grundy has different representatives for different areas. Becky McLaughlin is most likely not the California representative. Becky's phone number @ work is 215-674-1856 extension # 158 Call her during work hours ( remember she is on Eastern Standard Time ) and she can get you the representative for you area. That is what she did for me. I just went with GRUNDY myself. I had 40 grand coverage on the roadster and zero collision on the 3W ( yes ... I know ... STUPID ) and my bill was almost $800 with a regular insurance carrier. I was not happy with their service 3 years ago ... but I had just put up with it. After the last thread here on the HAMB about Grundy ... I contacted them and now I have 75 grand coverage on the 32 roadster and 100 grand coverage on my 3W ... for a little over 250 dollars more than the regular local insurance carrier. I really HPOE I never have a claim ... But, I believe their service will far surpass the service I got from my previous carrier. When I still had the regular insurance carrier, I was involved in a towing accident back in 2007 with the 32 roadster. The roadster was damaged in the enclosed trailer. The insurance adjuster guy told me " as far as I am concerned ... this might as well be a Honda Civic " It cost me money out of my pocket to fix my roadster ... they paid about 8 thousand on a 11 thousand dollar bill ... ( and I had 40 grand coverage on the roadster ) The regular carrier would NOT pay the difference between a regular paint/bodyman and a repairman that specializes in old steel Ford repair work. They wanted to use fiberglass fenders on the car ... and it had ( and NOW still does ) original Henery Ford steel fenders.
Next time, slide 2 bills to the adjuster and ask him if the car is starting to look a little different. This technique is not limited to collector cars.
Grundys is a great company untill shit happen. What you really find out is that Grundys is a underwriter, middleman, or whatever you want to call them, but they ARE NOT THE COMPANY that you deal with when shit happens. I busted up my ride in Indy at a Googguys event and took it to,err, had it hauled to a custom shop in Brounsburg, Indy Speed & Custom. Well they ended up rippin me off, but the most inportant thing is that Grundys did nothing except tell me that I have to deal with the Insurance Co not them! WTF!!! It took me 4yrs to take car of the mess and still lost 26G's over the whole deal. NO GRUNDY SCHMUNDY FOR ME
all of the specialty co's i deal with use independent appraisers. we are doing a claim on a tudor a right now. they paid the whole estimate as i wrote it. i find when you have a problem with any insurance co, bitch to who you pay for your policy, they dont want to lose your business. the people in the claims dept dont care if you cancel or not. dont accept anything you dont think is right as final, when push comes to shove almost all co's will pay when you are right and can prove it. think of insurance as supplemental assistance, not complete compensation in many cases we never have trouble with any of the specialty co's ,but tons of trouble with the traditional carriers, regardless of type of vehicle. skull
Grundy treated me well, paid right away. The work was almost finished before I called them, forgot about it, they could see what was done, no problem.
All Insurance companys are good until you need them. I had Grundy last year when my car got totaled. I called them the next day at 9:30AM and the adjuster was at the shop by 1:00PM. He Totaled the car and I had a check for the stated value in less than 10 days No Questions asked. That is when you know that you have a good Insurance Company.
I'm going to tell a funny little story that happened to Deuce Roadster a couple of years ago. He had driven his 40 Ford Coupe down to Georgia for a little get together. Some pinhead runs into the back of the 40 coupe with an S-10 pickup. The other driver was insured with C***** S***** Insurance Company. When their adjuster contacted Deuce Roadster and found out that the car their insured had hit was a 40 Ford Coupe, he asked Deuce Roadster "Why do you drive such an old car"? Deuce Roadster's answer? "It's the newest car I have"!
You must have been talking to some of the guys in the upper part of South Carolina The story is TRUE ... but the guy was driving a C-10 pickup ( full size ). That was a nightmare also ... dealing with his insurance company. It took 8 weeks and a call from a lawyer to get them to pay the claim. Same man who fixed the 32 ... fixed the 40 He does great work but he is not cheap. He straightened the decklid and lower panel. We did have to replace the fender. The 40 was my newest car ... But ... I did have a new Silverado pickup.
Grundy doesn't sell stated policys. Everytime one of these threads shows up- we get a couple of FNG's who spin a tale of how they got fucked. I say BS. I had a major claim & the whole deal was settled in a week. Took it to a hot rod builder & the work was beyond question. I have several friends who have had everything from a total to a scratched fender & all were handled quickly w/ no ball busting.
That hurts............really................bad. Not even mine and I feel terrible after seeing this.
Well Stevey, Steveo, Steven, no tales here, it did happen. I'm glade that it worked out for you. Hell I never buy 50/50 raffel tickets cause I'm never lucky enough to win! You maybe do. Grundy's pushed it onto Chubb inc. who was the insurer. Chubb hired Indy apprisals, the guy had no idea what he was looking at and quoted the damage at regular body shop rates. All this while I'm 300 miles away. The guy didn't see alot of the damage cause it needed to be lifted on a rack and tore down. The shop said that once they work off that amount of money the insurance co. will kick in installments on the work being done til finished. Sounded good The shop was a big part of the problem as they were robbing peter to pay paul on projects. I got every excuse in the book about the project not moving along fron the shop. I called grundys and chubb about the problem I was having with the shop and was told by both of them "you took it there, thats your problem". Hell, the shop sponsored the GoodGuys kick off party 2yrs in a row so it wasn't a little dirt floor place. They had big time projects and painted Funny cars for Shoemaker, Pendagrons bros and others. In the end I finally got to work with a guy at chubb (not a woman, that was another part of the problem) and after he seen the magazine articles on it and the aftermath pics he said it should of never been fixed. It was totaled, I got my money minus the 26g's that the shop got at the start. I didn't think there was anything wrong with giving the shop the money cause half was parts and the other half was labor and it does't take long to burn thru 13 grand at 65 a hour. I didn't expect them to work on there dime. A lot of the fault I beleive goes to the appraiser that wasn't qualifed to do that kind of a job, and second to the shop that cleaned up. So Steve it sounds as if yours was totaled, thats GREAT,COOL,AWSOME, cause I would of been alot happier if that would of happened right away instead of 4yrs later. After interviewing different companys at Columbus GoodGuys I'd be going with Haggertys next. At the grundy there was some 20 yr old boy just kept telling me we want happy customers, fuck that I want a co. thats going to help me. I learned a whole lot thru all this and would not wish this on anyone. Its not a BULL SHIT STORY Now for anyone in the INDY area that see's a tatooed, pierced, fat fuck by the name of CARY BEWLEY you can tell him I hope he dies a slow death. Last I heard he was tryin to start up another shop around there. BEWARE
Who picked the shop? You? The check would have been cut to you so you could take it anywhere. Installments? Sounds like you didn't do your homework. Seems like your issues were more shop than insurance related. My car was towed home & appraiser came there & saw it 1st. It was not a total, never said it was. Then we flat bedded to a hot rod shop of my choice & they took part of the front apart, put it on the lift & recalled the appraiser (his idea BTW). He asked what the shop's rate was (close to $100 per hour) & he gave his price. Shop forman felt pretty good about the price as well. After the car was blown apart- several hidden things were found. Shop took pictures & e-mailed a quote for additional repairs. That happened a couple of times. I had a check within days for the extra work & a week after they looked at it at the shop. When I called in the accident, they told me I could take it to any shop I wanted to. I asked about shop rates & they said they are more interested in having the car repaired to "before accident condition". I rattled off several high dollar shops w/ their shop rate & was told no problem. Now I picked the shop so if I screwed up & picked a shitty shop, I imagine it would have probably been my problem. Sounds like the shop screwed you. Grundy cut you the check, not them. You picked the shop, not them. Oh- a little Hagerty info for you right from their site. About Hagerty Your policy may be underwritten by one of the following insurance companies, which all carry an A.M. Best rating of A- (excellent) or better. OneBeacon Insurance Group Companies American Central Insurance Company The Employers' Fire Insurance Company Essentia Insurance Company Encompass Insurance Companies Encompass Indemnity Company Encompass Insurance Company Encompass Insurance Company of New Jersey Encompass Insurance Company of America Encompass Independent Insurance Company Encompass Insurance Company of Massachusetts Encompass Property and Casualty Company All specialty policies are underwritten. Do your homework. All specialty companies use outside appraisers.
Grundy is underwritten by Philadelphia & has been for several years. Do a little Google on OneBeacon if you think they are better.
I have Grundt International. They do not have a limit on mileage like haggerty does..You can overinsure your car and they will not haggle if you total the car. The insured amount it the insured amount..My $0.02 worth....Dave
I would have to agree with this as well. if you pick a shop and get fucked, thats not the insurance co's fault. they only deal in $$, how you spend it is your choice. what if you cashed the check , and got held up ooutside the bank, do they owe you another check? if they direct you to a d.r.p. shop then its a different story, and they have to assist ya, but not when you make a choice , in cal we have the b.a.r. for complaints against shops, im sure your state has a similar bureau. being a shop owner im no fan of ins co's, but i dont have any problems with grundy ,hagerty, or the others that sell those type policies. only when the customer trys to get something they are not entitiled to is there a hassel. wish i could say the same about the traditional co's skull