One of my favorite 34 coupes has always been one that was in an early 90's issue of American Rodder. It was a chopped,purple hiboy with a blown hemi w/ zoomies and one thing that stuck out was it had no radiator. I remember seeing it on posters and maybe a calendar or two. Another thing was it had a basic, roll & pleat black interior, and even the doorjambs were black if I remember correctly. For wheels, it had ET III Feulies on the rear with fat ass tires and Anglia mounted spokes on the front. I don't know if it was strictly a show car or what, but I remember it was just pure sex to me as a young teenager back then. Anyone feel the same way? Is it still around? I suck at doing searches, I was just hoping someone already knows what I'm talking about. That magazine ruled back then too. They always seemed to have the classiest,cleanest taste in traditional hot rods. You could relate to the tech articles, and the models...well you could take them or leave them. Its the only magazine I remember seeing this particular car in however.
That magazine has been sitting next to my bed for 5 years. Cool coupe but I can here the crys of its not Hamb friendly. Whatever its a cool car and the chicks hot The issue is January 1993 #44
Yep, nice! That is one of my favorites too. I have the fold out poster from that magazine in the shop.
Here is a thread of Randys We had a discussion of the coupe here a few years back. I am looking for it.
There's a purple hiboy three-window in the Minneapolis area that runs a wild flathead and no radiator. I think it has ET or Halibrands on the back, and may have the twelve spokes on the front. Maybe you have "combined" the two in your head?
Nah, I think maybe it might have been how I would have done it if I built it. I'm not even sure why the memory popped in my head.Who knows. Its still bad ass. I forgot about the louvered roof too......sweet! Does he still own it?
That's one of those cars thats hard to forget. Even if your not fond of the obvious "over the top" build the image will tend to be seared into your brain. I have the same reaction to the #455 Hemi powered '34 5w that has the same "in your face" appearance. I don't know/remember how this one performs the 455 car can back up its image. Frank
In all the years I've looked at that car, i never noticed it was a five window! I remeber some vague details about it, It had the radiator in the trunk, and an electric pump for the coolant. I know Randy sold it not too long after the photo shoot for American Rodder to some one out east. It was shown as just a chassis in one of the earlier RODDERS JOURNAL mags in a pictorial about finished chassis. The poster that it was on was one of the earlier RODDERS JOURNAL freebies that they send subscribers at christmas. Steve Coonan shot the photo layout for it before he started RJ, so that's why the connection there. I do remember being a little taken aback looking at the chassis shots because the brake lines were all braided stainless, no hard lines at all... The last little bits are that I remember someone in print saying that the car was sold to someone who tried to drive it a couple of times, but was terrified of it. So it then spent many years in a garage out on the East coast somewhere. I would swear though that I saw it out here at a Goodguys show within the last five years or so. It was never one of my all time favorites, but it is pretty damn cool. I'd just change some of the details.
The story of the new owner being skaeered of it was posted here a few years back, seems he trailored it everywhere because he was afraid to drive it!
Current owner (past 8 years) had Randy Bianchi take the front brakes taken off infavor of a pair of halibrand spindle mounts had, re-enginer the scoop under the car for the rear radiator and put a set of slick on the back and drives it the way it should be driven (full throttle hole shots)