Here's my dilema. I have a '53 Mercury Flathead engine and a '37 Caddy transmission. I'm having the hardest time looking for an adapter for them. Any one got any leads or suggestions on where to look?
I have a 51 ford that uses a Ford adapter to an early gearbox then an early Ford gearbox that was shortened then an adapter (Home made to suit the la-salle box. you could just use the later bellhousing an have an adapter machined to fit.
I think you'll have to go from late flathead to early flathead (the factory ring the F1's used) and then get an adapter for early flathead to Cad/Lasalle. The adapters show up used from time to time, here, ebay, etc, or they are available new.
Moparsled. Would you happen to know who makes them new? I'd rather buy a new part, mainly because it would probaly be quicker to get I'd hope.
Check with Tom or Kevin Vaughn 1-562-633-2660, I think they have made the adapter and are available . They are in Paramount Calif Vaughn Industrial. Max Sr
You need a 8BA truck bellhousing and a Offy adapter that will mate with your Cad/lasalle box. Unfortunatley Offy does not repop these adapters so you are going to have to scour ebay for one. That's what I did
There's a guy named John Kovar who makes them new, and sells them on ebay. He goes by "Hot Rod John" and some other name, on ebay. He's not especially well liked by some here on the board, so I'd say search his name and read up before contacting him. Also, King Shifter on here deals with Lasalles, might be worth contacting him as well. And, I'm not sure, but I think Wilcap may still make them.
Have you tried WilCap in Central California? They may have an adapter that works for your application. I think that they can also one off you an adapter, but, that will cost you a bunch. I would save that as a last resort.
Wilcap is your best bet. I used their product on my motor/tranny. VERY nice workmanship. well worth the $$$
Tried Wilcap and Bendtsens with no success. Hot Rod John doesn't return phone calls either. I'm still looking and I'm not giving up!