hey im new to this site. im from the new home of the hunnert car pile up! shoutout to lowlife matt! i just had my cam and primary covers on my harley powdercoated wrinkle black and it looks good. But when i tightned the bolts it started flaking off or chipping off around where i tightned them. it still looks ok after i touched it up with a brush and black paint but my question is why did it do it and will it chip more or spread? i sure hope not as i payed 200 bucks to have it done. please help thanx
Poor prep most likely..Powder coat is fragile to chips or dings. Its awesome for chemical resistance but like everything it has its down falls..I powder coated alot of my car parts that will be close to brake fluid or other chemicals and I am painting the other parts....My $0.02 worth..
Welcome to the site, I grew up in Clinton. I agree its likely poor prep, who did you have do the work? Powder Coat should be MORE resistant to chips, thats why its used on frames / suspension pcs etc. The texture of the crinkle may have been an issue. I work with many fab shops for my job, the majority of them use powder coat, the prep on a production powder coat line usualy involves a 5 step or more acid wash and etch along with some other chemical preps. If the shop you used was a hobby type set up they probably wont have enough work to install a good prep process, most you got was a DA or sand blast and a wipe down with cleaner, this may left any previous coating on the part at the bolt holes or may not have been wiped down well in those areas. I would talk to your shop see if they can do anything for you.
Welcome from Arkansas. Powdercoat should never have chipped if prepped right. I'd be going back and raising some Hell!
my buddy sandblasted the parts for me and he did a flawless job. then i took it to platzbekers in decatur and he did the actual powdercoating. i dont know what all he did to it from there, but it still looks damn good. it wont be a problem unless it spreads but i dont know if it wil or not. it only did it when i tourqued the bolts down. there is an indention for the bolt maybe it just did not get coverd enough. idk you guys thin it will chip more?
bad prep maybe, dunno, your buddy sandblasted them, it should have good adhesion. it shouldnt chip and flake obviously. did you crank down on the bolts to much or did it happen pretty easily? might be some oil contamination that didnt bake out compeltely during pre-bake, could be a lot of things, hard to diagnose on the net.
tourqed enough like they should be but not enough to to do that. pretty easily i guess but they gotta be tight you know. only did it right around the bolts when tightned